Chapter 51

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Returning to Zira's den once again, the hyena was eager to be praised for successfully setting Nakala to meet Nuka and Vitani. It took a lot of work to clear the training grounds and make sure no one went near the area. They were ready to be told how well everything went and how none of it could be possible without them. But padding closer to the cavern entrance no one came out to see them. In fact, there were no lioness around the cave's exterior at all. Unease crept up the hyena's back. With a calming inhale and exhale, they assured themselves that everything was fine. They stepped inside to find many lioness with their backs turned to them. It was clear to see that they were all looking at the same thing.

Weaving their way around all the larger mammals, the hyena grew closer and closer to see what had caught all of the attention. In the center of it all stood Zira, and beside her was a lioness that they had never seen before. Whoever she was it was clear to see that she was unconscious. Zira's eyes darted to the hyenas and gave them a grin. "I'm so glad that you're decided to join us. You seem to have marvelous timing, after all." The leader of the clan urged the confused hyena closer and they did as they were commanded. Getting closer, the hyena could see the unknown lioness was tied up with vines.

"I'm sure curious about our little guest here? She is exactly what we need to exact our revenge on the Pride Lands," Zira scowled. "You see, this young lioness here is none other than the Princess of those lands. Daughter of the King himself."

The hyena looked at the lioness in shock. Was it really her? Right in front of them?

"Now....there's a little something I need you to do," Zira leaned in close, whispering the details in her ally's ear. The hyena's eyes widened, their heart began to pound. But they knew that they had to go through with it. As Zira had said, this was only the first step to getting their revenge. With a firm nod the hyena padded back towards the entrance of the cave. Two lioness picked up Kiara's unconscious body, following behind the hyena's lead.

Nakala paced back and forth in the open Outlands just a little ways from the hyena mountain. He was deep in thought about what he should do. He was still unsure about whether or not he should trust Zira. What she said did intrigue him, but he couldn't help but feel put off by her words at the same time. The lion also felt guilty not telling Janja about the decision he was making, knowing he couldn't without Janja knowing at least. Even if they were family and had only the best intentions if Janja wasn't up for it then it wasn't going to happen. The lion paused in his pacing, hearing approaching footsteps. Looking to his right he was none other than a honey badger marching towards him. Seeing him caught the lion off guard, but looking closer the lion recognized something familiar about him.

"Kion? I finally found you!" The honey badger ran towards the lion he was looking for all night. At that moment it clicked in Nakala's mind. The fur, the tone of voice, and the scent. It was Bunga, a member of the Lion Guard.

"Stay back! You and the Guard better get out of here right now!" the lion snarled, preparing to attack. He had no idea how Bunga found him or how far away the rest of the Guard were. But he was ready to fight them all off by himself if he had to. But they're in his territory, now. If they got past him there was no telling what they would do to the hyenas... Baring his fangs and unsheathing his claws, Nakala readied himself to pounce.

"Wait, no. No, I came here alone! I swear," the badger insisted, raising his paws in the air. He could sense the lion's hostility along with his eyes darting back and forth. "The rest of the Guard is still in the Pride Lands. Probably still looking for me..." The honey badger took a moment to look the lion over. He had grown a lot, and changed a lot too. His legs looked very sturdy, muscles tensing underneath fur. The honey badger elevated his gaze to the lion staring back down at him. Bunga couldn't help but notice the style of his mane, long and untamed.

"Wow, Kion. You look so cool now," Bunga chuckled, taking a step back to look at Nakala in full. Starting from the lion's paws and gradually looking up. What really stuck out to the honey badger were the few various faded scars that decorated his legs and flanks. "Really loving the battle scars."

"Bunga that's..." the lion sighed, looking down at those faded marks. He saw them as reminders of the dangerous encounters he found himself in and protected others from. Nakala looked down at the honey badger. He could see no hostility in the badger's eyes, only a curiosity and admiration. The same look Bunga would give him when they would spend every day in the Pride Lands together. Nakala sighed, sheathing his claws.

"I changed my name. It's Nakala now."

"Whoa! That sounds so cool! Sounds like you've been just getting cooler and cooler without me..." Bunga huffed. Just how much did he miss? It was clear to see the lion had been through a lot of events. He wished that he had been there to see it all...

"Nakala. There you are. We were—," Janja and Chungu came out of the cavern only to see the lion talking to the honey badger they also recognized. In an instant Janja jumped in front of Nakala, ducking low and ready to pounce at the honey badger.

"Hey, isn't he part of the Lion Guard?" Chungu asked, knowing the badger was familiar in some way.

"Of course he is, furbrain!" Janja snarled.

"Janja, Chungu. Wait a moment..." the lion looked back at Bunga, who was taking a few steps away from the angry hyenas. "Bunga, why are you here?"

Bunga's smile dropped and he gave a sigh. "I came to see you. I've wanted to see you for a long time. We're best friends, right? I've missed you, Nakala." The lion blinked hearing the badger say his name. The way it was so easily said by Bunga made the lion feel a bit of longing inside of him. He also missed Bunga a lot. Hearing him say his name like he had been right by his side the entire time....

"When you went missing I searched everyday I could for you. Ever after everyone else gave up I kept on looking. But I've found you now. You've been here all along," the honey badger's voice wavered a bit. He cleared his throat and took a moment to compose himself. "Heh. And it looks like you've gotten into a lot of fights without me to back you up."

The lion couldn't help but start to laugh. Bunga really hadn't changed at all. If this were anyone else the lion was sure he would have been riddled with questions about every little thing that happened between then and now. But just like always, Bunga quickly took him for who he was. Maybe he hardly changed at all from when he was Kion, running around the savanna and playing baobab ball some time ago. "I've been up to a lot. It's good to see you again, Bunga... You haven't changed a bit..."

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