Intrulogical - Corpses

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Genre: Fluff

Triggers: Corpses, medieval torture, dead animals, mutilation, murder, etc.. just science and remus

Remus was by the lights with his pal Janus (who disappeared to somewhere?) and was biting his tongue not to say something. But he said it anyways, "I found a horse corpse in the woods." Everyone seem disgusted besides Logan, "Ohhh.. What did it look like?" Remus beamed, "Well, it looked somewhat mutilated, it had its eyes carved out, and and..." Remus began to do an deep explanation about what it looked like, "N-NO! Stop it! Go talk about that in like Logan's room!" Roman yelled, covering Patton's ears. "Sure." Logan said as they sunk down to Logan's room.

"Did it have anything on it?" Logan asked, "Well.. It was glass on it, it looked like it was decaying and had mangled skin. Looks like something Jeffery Dahmer would do. There was flys all around it. You could see it's ribs." Remus described while Logan wrote it down, "Sounds like it could be 2-a week and a half old. Maybe a bear attacked it or one of your villagers wanted some fun." Logan told him, "Hm, sounds like my village." Remus shrugged, "They're all psychotic and demented. Besides some kids, but the parents kill the kids a lot of times." Logan raised a brow, "Really?"

"Yeah, Roman got the.. 'good' villagers. They're all so sweet its sickening. But I have more food than Roman because I got less villagers. Due to the murders and serial killers in my area. I just hope they don't go to Roman's area or he's going to throw a temper tantrum." Remus rolled his eyes, talking. "Oh, I do hope your villagers don't impact Romans. It may cause some sort of anarchy of sort. If your villagers see how Roman's are, how kind they are, they're going to want that." Logan told him, "Oh yea. I guess you're right."

"Would make sense, I'm logic." Logan somewhat grinned, "Well some people who think they're right are wrong. But they make great stories." Remus told him, "Meaning?" Logan asked, "Oh, like people who made medieval tortures. Like, they're weren't right to make those but they're super fun to look at." Logan nodded, "I remember learning about one where they tie a rat on your stomach." 

"Oh! I remember that one. I also know the 'Brazen Bull.'" Remus told him, "What's that?" Logan doesn't think he's heard that before, "It's where they put a naked person into a metal bull and then put it over a fire and let it slowly burn the person to death. When they scream, it sounds like a bull screaming." Remus explained, Logan made an 'oh' sound.

"I know one where they tie limbs to like carts or horses and they run and tear limbs off." Logan said, organizing his desk a little. 

They spent forever talking about torture methods, corpses, unrealistic movies, and crime cases. It was a relief for both of them to share this information that nobody else wanted to hear.

Word Count: 503

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