Overworking (Angst)

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TW: Angst, Arguing, accused of cheating, overworking, eating disorder, tell me if more! Thank You!

Remy was waiting for Emile to return home. He loved Emile, their relationship was great and all, but Remy was super concerned for Emile. Though Emile is a therapist and helps others, he can never seem to care and help himself. He hates talking about himself, his problems, and his past. Remy sat by the window watching the pour. He also works 24/7, he comes home super later and leaves super early. He sighed and slipped his sunglasses over his eyes. He doesn't need Emile, pffft.

Emile was still at his workplace, his phone on silent and he was typing away at his Computer, playing "broken hearts club" by gnash. He liked the voice of the song and the meaning, though it made him feel sad and down. He grabbed his phone and the time read 10:23 PM  it was way past closing, and 5 messages by Remy. He sighed and messaged him back, "Hey, Rem, I am sorry that I've been coming home late lately. I'm coming home right now, see ya soon rem rem!" Emile packed his bag and got another text, "Emmy, are you cheating on me? This is the 4th time this week. I'm getting upset." Emile frowned that Remy was thinking he was unfaithful. "No no, I am not. I've been staying past hours at work." He walked out. "Why can't you do past work - work at home? It makes no sense." Emile realized he had a point, ". . ." He panicked a bit, "You are cheating. I know you are, what the heck?! I'm I not enough?!! Did I not satisfy you enough!?" Emile rushed out and got attacked with rain, he ran to the bus stop, "Remy, please.." he got a few spam messages but couldn't see them with the raindrops and tears. The bus finally came and he ran onto the bus and sat and wiped his phone. He had this feeling in his stomach, his heart was beating so fast, the loudest thing he could hear was his breath, even though he was listening to the song. He felt everything moving too fast, he was shaky as well. His mind couldn't grasp the thought of losing Remy, his sweet Rem. All because he was distracting himself, how selfish, right?

"Emile, don't "please" me, I am angry. You betrayed me, You're not loyal!" "Emile?? Are you talking to one of your people that you do it with?!" "Emile?" Emile sighed and wiped his eyes, "I'm coming home on the bus, I couldn't see the phone. I'll talk about it when I get home." Emile got home as soon as he could, "Emile?" Remy asked, looking at the door. "Remy, I-I'm sorry. No, I am not cheating, I swear! I am working at th-" Remy cut him off with a drop of his coffee cup, "So, your work is more important than me!? I am your Fiance for christ sake! I've been waiting for you to come home, only for you coming home at 10 and 9 PM..!" Remy voice cracked, and Emile stepped back, he saw tears dwell in Remy's eyes. He couldn't believe he hurt Remy.

"Rem, I.. Ple-" "Remy." "Remy, I- Please, I am sorry, you have a good point." he stepped back and Remy stepped forward, "No! I am- I am pissed off! You never come home or spend time with me! You're always.. Working.." His voice trailed off, remembering hes always working, whats wrong with him?  "I-I.." Emile had a reason, not a good one, his reason is that he works 22/7 because he wants to ignore his problems as long as he can, "Emile.. How long have you been working for?" Remy asked, a different change in tone, and now worried, "I-I don't know.. I work from 6:30 AM - 8 PM.. I usually work at home or work for 3 more hours, why?" Emile said, looking away, "...Emmy, that's not good. Out of all the people, you should know this.." Remy said quietly, grabbing Emiles wrists, Emile winced. He didn't have anything under his sleeves, but due to the past..

Emile flinched at the touch, which alerted Remy, "Lets.. go sit down and talk?" Remy suggested and Emile nodded, they sat down on the couch, "Emile, talk to me.." Emile sighed, "I shouldn't, I am the therapist. I should help others, I don't need to talk out my problems." Emile said, looking away. Remy felt his heart go into pain, a slight stab hit his throat, his breathing  hitched, "Nonono, Emmy-" Emile put his fingers to his lips, "Shhh, I don't need your pity. I promise I'll come home sooner if that can make you happy." Emile spoke softly, sadly smiling, but tried to hide it, Remy was on the verge of tears, Emile is hurting and he has done nothing , whats wrong with him? "N-no, Emile-" his voice cracked and Emile shushed him again, Remy was looking at Emile's watery eyes, "I can get you something to eat..?" he asked, "N-No, I mean, what about you?" Emile looked away, "I'm... not hungry. Do you want some chi-!" Emile squeaked as he was yanked onto the couch, "No, I want you to talk to me..!" Remy pleaded, crying, and that made Emile on the verge of tears, he swallowed the lump in his throat, but he pushed them back. Emile doesn't cry.. "I-I.. Whats there to talk about? I'm fine.." "No you're not. Why haven't you been taking breaks, sleeping more, and eating more? I am worried sick!"

Emile took a few seconds before he went to speak again, "W-Well, I haven't had much of an appetite... Food makes me feel sick, makes me want to puke there and then. I hate it, I'm fine with green tea and water." he said, grabbing his water bottle out of his bag, "Emmy, you have to eat, you're going to get malnourished and end up in the hospital. I can't deal with you in so much pain." he frowned, sobbing. Emile held him close, "I haven't been sleeping much because.. I've been working." he said, quietly. "You need a break, maybe you should call in? I can help you get back on your mental feet." Remy said, wiping his eyes and smiling, "N-No, I can, people need me, depend on me. I'm fine.." He mumbled, Remy started to cry again, "Emmy.. They can deal with their problems by themselves for one day- besides, you haven't called in sick since a few years ago, and that's when you were puking. You're able to take a day off now." Remy said sweetly, Emile smiled, "Will it make you feel happy?" Remy nodded, "You'll feel happy, too.." Remy wiped his eyes, "Stay safe for me? Eat a pudding cup, sleep, take naps." Remy suggested, and Emile nodded, going to the kitchen, "Drink water with it." He added, and Emile nodded, again.

Remy snuggled into Emile's chest and hugged him, while Emile slowly ate, feeling like puking. He didn't want to lose his progress, but he hated seeing Rem cry, and it killed him knowing that he was crying because of him. He held Remy close, after he finished ¼ of his pudding, and setting it down, deeming he was done, "Please finish it," he asked, and Emile sighed and ate ¾ of it. "Thats alright, for now." Emile smiled and nodded. "I love you." Remy closed his eyes, "I love you too, Dear." Emile wrapped his arms around Remy's torso and legs around him.

A/N: a nice angst fluff chapter. There might be a lot of angst in this book, but shhh. stay safe! Ily guys, follow for more stories, heehee! Okay bye now.

Word Count: 1295

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