An Idea

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A/N New storytime: This one is gonna be longer than my usual at 20 chapters. I just really like the idea of a human koro-sensei still being awesome but still human.


He'd seen the death of over a hundred men and women, some innocent, some not.

He'd grown up a country where a woman would sell her child for a slice of bread.

He'd been trafficked across countries in a grate that smelt of his own filth.

He'd suffered and struggled his entire life...and he would go through that all again if it meant he didn't need to be in this staff meeting.

"Hello, everyone." Principal Asano smiled brightly, clamping a hand on his shoulder as the two of them stepped into the staff room. "I'd like to introduce our new hire, Mr Korosanai."

The moment he stepped into the staff room with the Principal by his side, the conversation died as all eyes turned on him.

He gulped, his pale hands were clammy as he stood there in his oversized brown suit jacket and ridiculous goofy crescent moon tie Aguri had bought him for his birthday.  His mop of dark hair slightly untidy since he'd had to run from the train station this morning since he'd been running late from the hospital.

"U-uh, nice to meet you all!" he exclaimed, smiling too wide. "But please, you can all call me Koro-sensei!"

There was silence when they all stared at him blankly.

Yes, he'd much prefer a knife in the back than this.

"Uh..." Koro-sensei's skin grew clammier.

Aguri had loved the name...

The Principal chuckled pleasantly. "Mr Korosanai will be taking over 3-E following Yukimura-sensei's illness." He clapped him on the back. "One we wish her a full recovery for."

His smile wavered when the pitying looks cast over the other teachers' faces.

Pity was the last thing Aguri wanted.

"Why don't you introduce yourself?" The Principal proposed like he was a new student and not a qualified teacher.

"Yes! Of course," Koro-sensei kept his smile in place. "I look forward to working with all of you!"

"It might be a bit of a hike," one of the male teachers said, triggering a round of laughs from the other teachers.

His brow furrowed, smile fading when he missed the joke. "Uh..."

The Principal chuckled. "Now, let's not tease." He smiled down at him, the extra inch of height proving more irritating than it should. "Why don't you let yourself get acquainted before we start, Mr Korosanai?"

He forced his smile to stay cheerful. "Of course!"

"Wonderful." The Principal practically shoved him towards the other teachers like offering a lamb to wolves. "No need to be shy."

Koro-sensei straightened his tie and straightened up as he nervously approached the two male and one female teacher who were eyeing him like hawks. They were older and definitely sharper dressed than him...all the teachers were.

"Hello!" He shook the first teacher's hand, a man with dark hair wearing a white shirt and blazer. "It's nice to meet you."

The other teacher raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, nice to meet you. I'm Mr Kensaku Ono."

"Mrs Etsuki," the female teacher greeted him politely next.

The next teacher gave his hand a strong shake and grinned. "Mr Jiro Yamagato!"

Navigating the world of teaching on a low salary and high hospital bills to payWhere stories live. Discover now