Teach them a lesson

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Kanzaki sobbed as she ran out of the assembly hall, shoving the doors open while the rest of the main campus students were laughing.

Koro-sensei hurried to follow. "Kanzaki!"

"YOU ASSHOLES!" Sugino shouted, making Koro-sensei freeze.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Nagisa snapped, surprising many when he raised his voice.

Oh, no...

He looked over his shoulder and saw Sugino barely being held back by Isogai, a vein visible in his neck; raw anger ready to be unleashed.

Koro-sensei's gaze narrowed, taking a glance at the other teachers who unsurprisingly weren't even attempting to intervene.

(There was an itch under his collar, dried blood clinging to skin and crusting at the edges, as he drove the knife into—)

"You pricks!" Terasaka and his group were riled up as well, shoving a main campus student back as they squared, ready for a fight.

(-He cut deeper and deeper and there was so much blood—)

Koro-sensei felt a snarl threaten to come out.

"You wanna start something?" Yoshida yelled.


Koro-sensei's voice carried across the assembly hall like a blizzard.

The hall was silent. The students recoiled, with some flinching and shying away.

Koro-sensei felt cold, gripping his crutch tight so he could ground himself with something.

Class E all stared at him in... fear? Yes, that was fear. He recognised it and felt ashamed as soon as he saw it, but he'd deal with that later once Kanzaki was safe.

He cast a frigid look at Araki who was still onstage; the by flinched and backed away, squirming under the scrutiny.

(They're just children.)

Koro-sensei closed his eyes and took a deep breath, calming down.

"Isogai, Kataoka," he addressed the student reps.

Isogai and Kataoka both tensed and stood to attention, stepping forward. "Sir?"

"Kataoka, please go recover Okajima from the nurse's office," Koro-sensei told her.

"Yes, sir," Kataoka said, hurrying out of the hall.

"Isogai, take the rest of Class E back to the mountain," he instructed sternly.

"Yes, sir!" Isogai replied, nodding. "Come on, guys, let's go."

Class E obeyed without protest, even Terasaka listened. Some of them threw the main campus students dirty looks as they passed, but the hall stayed silent. A welcomed relief.

"I'll return with Kanzaki shortly." Koro-sensei nodded and made his way out of the assembly hall, trusting his students to make their own way back. The priority now was making sure Kanzaki was alright.

He headed outside and looked around, trying to think where she might have run off to.

Think. She used to be a main campus student so she'd know her way around the campus like the back of her hand, even better than him.

Kanzaki was responsible and kind, well-liked by the class, but she tended to keep her troubles to herself. The type of child to hide and cry by herself, so where would she go to cry? She wasn't anywhere to be seen so she must have gone into the nearest building.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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