Broken Trophies

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"Wait, so let me get this straight?" Maehara finally spoke when most of them had recovered from the shock. "You want us..." He gestured to himself and then the others. "To...kill you?"

Koro-sensei grinned, rubbing his hands together excitedly precisely. "Though of course, think of it metaphorical." He held up his own copy of the contract. "Like a game of tag. If you can have me immobilise me and strike my heart with some form of blunt object, then that will be considered a kill."

His students still looked confused.

"But...why?" Nagisa questioned.

His grin grew. "Think of it as an unconventional motivation!"

"More like crazy!" Kimura exclaimed.

Koro-sensei grew more amused. "I'll admit it's eccentric, but I am a strong believer in the more out of the box approach to teaching." He smirked. "Think of it as an...assassination of sorts."

"Assassination?" Okuda frowned.

His smirk grew. "Learning and assassination go hand in hand children." He clapped his hands together. "Both require absolute focus and dedication."

"Yeah, but how rich are you if you can afford this?" Mimura asked, frowning. "Why even be a teacher if you're loaded."

"Yeah, and if you're rich, why do you dress like you're homeless?" Nakamura asked.

Koro-sensei nearly keeled over when the verbal blow struck his chest. "I don't dress like I'm homeless!"

Nakamura shrugged. "Could have fooled us."

Terasaka scoffed. "This is bullshit!" He leaned back in his chair. "Like you'll actually give us the money."

"Yeah." Yoshida frowned. "This could just be a trick!"

Koro-sensei sighed, running a hand through his hair.  "And very shrewd of you to think so." He nodded in pride. "But this document has been signed by a verified lawyer who you can investigate and contact for further proof."

"What? Seriously?" Muramatsu questioned.

"What kind of lawyer would agree to this?!" Mimura questioned.

Koro-sensei gave a sheepish laugh. "Yes, well, he was slightly alarmed when I asked him..."


48 hours earlier.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" His lawyer yelled from across the desk. "ARE YOU INSANE!?"

Koro-sensei smiled sheepishly. "Um, so how quickly can you get it processed?"


Koro-sensei gave a strained chuckled. "Either way it is legally binding." He nodded. "But with the strong conditions that no lethal methods are to be used, and absolutely no assassination attempts that could cause bodily harm are to be carried out."

There was a long pause as his students exchanged unsure looks.

"...What if we don't want to do it?" Kanzaki asked, frowning.

Koro-sensei shrugged. "Then that will be your choice." He smiled warmly. "I can't force you to try." He looked determined. "Rest assured, despite what you choose I'll still be putting in my all to make sure your lessons are 100% the best they can be!"

They stared at him like he was crazy.

Was he crazy?

Probably! But as long as his students were motivated, then it would be worth it!

Navigating the world of teaching on a low salary and high hospital bills to payWhere stories live. Discover now