The boy's a sadist

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"So I really get a reward for killing you?" Karma asked, smiling a little too wide as he reviewed the contract.

Koro-sensei smiled, despite feeling somewhat wary of the glint in the redhead's eye. "Yes, so long as I'm immobilised and you strike my heart." His smile grew. "But, rest assured, dear boy. It won't be easy."

Karma gave a short laugh. "Oh?" He tilted his head. "It won't?" His smile sharpened, signing the contract. "Well, I guess we'll see then, right?" He roughly passed him the contract. "I always wanted to kill a teacher."

Koro-sensei blinked slowly, confused for a second. "Huh?"

Karma laughed, and just walked out of the old campus teachers' lounge. "See you tomorrow, teach!"

He frowned, staring at the empty doorway. "What an odd boy." Then he looked at the contract which had a small smiley-faced devil drawn at the bottom.


No student was truly bad... but Karma Akabane was teetering close.

"IS THAT MY GELATO!" Koro-sensei yelled when he saw Karma eating the gelato he'd lovingly preserved from the store this morning.

The other students looked up from the practice test they were all supposed to be taking.

"Oops." Karma smirked, sitting at the back of the classroom as he obnoxiously licked the frozen treat.

"No!" Koro-sensei was near tears. "It was the last one in store!"

Some of his students shot him sympathetic looks.

"Oh, sorry!" Karma smiled innocently. "It was just chilling in the staff room."

A fantastic pun, but regardless it was still theft!

Koro-sense huffed. "Sorry won't cut it!" he yelled, stomach rumbling pathetically, marching over to the boy. "There's no eating during the middle of a test." He crossed his arms. "Now hand it over, young man."

"That so?" Karma tilted his head to the side. "Well, whaddya gonna do about it?" He took a long lick. "Hit me?"

Koro-sensei was taken aback slightly, brow furrowed worriedly. "Of course not!" His temper smothered a little as he became concerned that Karma might actually be serious. "I'll just have what's left of it." He fixed the boy with a stern look. "Now hand it over—"

Karma casually tried to hit him over the head with a ruler but Koro-sensei dodged. "Wow, you're fast." He laughed, standing up. "Guess it might actually be hard to land a real blow."

Koro-sensei sighed. "Karma, you're supposed to be taking a test," he told him. "While killing me is fine outside of lessons, right now you're distracting your classmates."

Karma stared at him blankly and ate more of the gelato. "You're the one who wants us to kill you, so you can't really blame me for interrupting." He grinned, tilting his head. "If you don't like it go ahead and hit me or kick me out." His grin was twisted, "I don't really care if killing you interrupts class. Personally, I'm more interested in the killing the pathetic teacher image you're trying to keep up."

Koro-sensei flinched when he shoved the gelato into his shirt, the pink dessert staining his clothes. He recoiled when he saw the stain on the once clean fabric.

I just washed this!

"Karma," Nagisa spoke up, staring at his classmate with a frown while the other students seemed alarmed as well.

"Oops." Karma's eyes glinted, teeth sharp, dropping the rest of the gelato on the floor. "Here's my quiz by the way!" he chimed, tossing the quiz to the side, but Koro-sensei hastily grabbed it before the paper hit the floor. "Probably got 'em all right." Karma walked to the door and then slid it open. "See ya, Sensei." He looked over his shoulder, smile almost deranged. "Let's play some more tomorrow."

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