Chapter 41 - I. Am. Not. Punishing. You

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There were sighs of relief from various directions, and the sound of weapons being dropped to the ground. The soldiers looked very relieved.

Even if it was only five minutes, the rest would mean a lot to them.

They also secretly hoped that the prince would take more than five minutes to talk to his woman so that they could rest a little longer.

Mars turned around and approached Emmelyn, who was standing behind him. He then pulled the girl's hand to enter the castle.

[Doesn't she have a thicker coat? Her hands are so cold.]

[I'm going to have Roshan order her a new coat.]

"What do you want to talk about?" asked Mars as soon as they got into the castle and he closed the door behind them so that the cold wind from outside did not enter.

"I want to know what makes you angry with me," Emmelyn said firmly. "You've been acting weird from last night. Did I do something wrong?"

Mars stared at the beautiful face in front of him with a turbulent chest.

Did she do something wrong?

Emmelyn didn't do anything wrong. The girl was only being herself. Mars was the one who made the mistake of falling in love with her.

"You didn't do anything wrong," the man replied simply. "Is that all you want to ask?"

Emmelyn frowned at the cold attitude Mars showed her.

"You said I didn't do anything wrong, but you treat me like an enemy," said the girl irritably. "I can't read minds, okay.. I'm not a witch. I think you're punishing me for something, and it pissed me off because I don't know what I did!"

"I'm not punishing you," Mars replied.

"Do you think I'm stupid? I can see how you have been treating me so coldly since last night. You make me feel like I made a very big mistake," said Emmelyn. "You're usually not like this."

"I. Am. Not. Punishing. You," Mars said again, emphasizing every word.

How could he punish Emmelyn? He was the crown prince and was used to being fair.

He would never punish an innocent person. In this situation, Emmelyn was innocent because the girl was just acting like herself.

Mars was at fault for falling in love with an enemy. Now, before his feelings got any deeper, he must distance himself from Emmelyn.

Apart from the sex they had to have every day until Emmelyn got pregnant, he would not see this woman at all.

He had also ordered Roshan to prepare a nice chamber for Emmelyn. Later, after breakfast, the girl could move to her own place.

"I told you ... I'm not a child and I'm not dumb. I know that you are angry with me for something and you are punishing me now," Emmelyn kept pressing. "Please don't insult my intelligence. I'll be angry."

"If you're not dumb, I am sure you'll understand what I'm saying, right?" asked Mars with an exasperated expression. "I am not punishing you, okay? Don't make arbitrary assumptions. I've never punished anyone carelessly. If I wanted to punish you, now you've lost your head for trying to assassinate me!"

Emmelyn was stunned to hear the man's cold words. She remembered the threat Mars gave her at that time. If she did not want to bear the crown prince's heirs, then she would be beheaded in the plaza.

Chill ran down her spine when she imagined that terrible scene.

Uff ...

She was in the enemy's den now. She could lose her freedom at any time.

"You're ... you're right," said the girl in a trembling voice. "My life is in your hands ... maybe that's why you feel like you can treat me however you please."

"Em ..." Mars stared at the girl's face, who suddenly looked depressed.

His chest felt tight, and the hurt came back to the surface.

Meanwhile, Emmelyn shook her head with a disappointed expression.

"I thought we could be nice to each other until I give birth to your children. How foolish! I was stupid and thought myself too highly," said the girl in a hoarse voice. "For you, I am just a prisoner that you can kill at any time. That's why you think you could treat me however you want. If you're feeling upset, then you will shut me up and act so cold... You think I don't deserve an explanation and should accept all your treatment of me."

"You're wrong. I don't think that way about you," said Mars.

Emmelyn bit her lip and shook her head in disappointment. "I think too highly of myself by demanding an explanation from the crown prince. How presumptuous. Alright... I will not ask again."

The girl turned and walked with brisk steps towards the stairs leading up to the third floor.

"Emmelyn, you assumed wrong. That's not what made me avoid you ..." Mars said suddenly. His voice trembled and made Emmelyn stunned.

The girl stopped in her tracks and then turned to face Mars.

"Then why did you give me the silent treatment?" asked the girl with pursed lips. "What is my fault?"

Mars looked closely at Emmelyn.

"I am not punishing you. I am just .."

"Just what? Can you please talk in full sentences? I told you I can't read minds .." Emmelyn snapped at him.

Mars swallowed hard.

"I just wanted to stay away from you because ..." Mars took a deep breath and finally answered in a sad but firm voice. "Because I don't want to fall in love with you."





I have an announcement to make regarding this book. "The Cursed Prince" is recently signed by a platform called W e b n o v e l. It's a reading app similar to Wattpad but it allows me to publish my works and earn some money from it.

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Thank you so much for reading this far. I hope to see you in the next chapter ^^.

love, Missrealitybites

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