Chapter 32 - Gosh... This Pervert!

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Emmelyn woke up as sunlight slowly entered through the crack in the bedroom window. She stretched her body and let out a big yawn, then opened her eyes one by one. It took her mind a moment to remember that she was still in the crown prince's chamber.

Hold on ... it's no longer the crown prince's chamber but theirs together.

Didn't Mars already say that Emmelyn would stay here with him for as long as she was bound by their agreement?

Emmelyn frowned when she suddenly realized that her body was not cold, even though the temperature on autumn mornings were usually quite low.

The girl just realized that a thick and warm blanket was covering her body comfortably.

No wonder she didn't feel cold at all. Apparently, she was covered.

By the way, who covered her with this really nice blanket? Was it that scummy prince?

Where did he find the blankets? Wasn't Emmelyn looking for a blanket in every corner of the room and couldn't find it last night?

Wait a minute.

Did... Mars hide all the blankets?

"Aaaaaahhhh.... !!!"

[You bastard!]

[You pervert!]

Emmelyn could immediately guess that the perverted prince must have done it on purpose so that Emmelyn felt cold and was forced to hug him while sleeping to get some warmth.

Emmelyn's annoyed scream pierced the air and was heard all the way to the castle grounds where Mars was training with his men.

All the soldiers who were training with their swords immediately stopped their movements and exchanged glances.

That scream again, they thought in unison.

Yesterday morning, their training was also interrupted by the sound of that same scream. The crown prince hurriedly left them to find out what had happened to the girl.

They suspected that yesterday the girl was okay because they didn't hear any news about criminals entering the castle or that something tragic had happened.

Then, why did she scream again this morning?

Mars also thought the same thing. Yesterday morning he was shocked to death when he found Emmelyn screaming hysterically in his chamber and thought she would die soon. In fact, it turned out that the girl had wrongly assumed that she was affected by Mars' curse.

Emmelyn thought that her limp hand was a sign that she was impacted by the curse on Mars, and her whole body would follow suit and be paralyzed before she finally died.

When actually she was just... ahh.

When his mind went back to what happened yesterday morning, Mars smiled faintly. He felt guilty toward Emmelyn for secretly using her hand yesterday to help him release his urge.


"You guys continue training," said Mars to his men. He was going to check what happened to Emmelyn. However, he did not panic like he did yesterday. The man could guess that the girl was screaming out of shock, not because of an attack from a criminal or because she was in a life-threatening situation.

That's why his steps now were calm, almost leisurely. Mars sheathed his sword and walked into the castle, toward his chamber.

"What's the matter?" asked Mars when he arrived at the doorway.

Emmelyn, who was stretching her body, immediately turned her head towards the direction of the sound. Her pair of beautiful eyes instantly narrowed when she saw the prince.

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