Chapter 31 - The Human Blanket

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Emmelyn really enjoyed taking a warm bath before bed. She felt like her body that was previously freezing now felt so warm and comfortable.

Her pores also opened, and she felt her skin become very clean as she rubbed it happily. Ahh .. she felt so fresh.

She deliberately rolled her hair in a simple bun, so it wouldn't get wet while she soaked. If it got wet, it would be difficult for her to dry it before going to sleep. She also saw Mars doing the same thing. Ahh ... by the way, how come that guy could look so handsome no matter what?

Whether he was wearing clothes or not, his long hair went down to his shoulders or kept in a man bun ... Mars always looked manly and attractive.

[Our children will be so handsome like him.]

[Ahh ...]


[What the hell am I thinking?]

[Focus, Em. Focus.]

Emmelyn chided herself. She must focus on her plan. This was not the time to admire the devil's good looks.

She must find a witch who could help her to get pregnant. She wanted to carry multiple children in one go so she could quickly leave this place.

The girl closed her eyes and focused her thoughts on her plans.

Meanwhile, Mars noticed Emmelyn's expression and tried to guess what was on the girl's mind.

He knew Emmelyn was just pretending she didn't like taking a bath before bed. He could see from the faint smile on her face that she actually liked it.

[You weird girl.]

[Why are you so stubborn?]

[I hope my children don't inherit your stubbornness.]

Emmelyn suddenly opened her eyes when she felt Mars's hand touch her shoulder.

"Hey! What are you doing?" snapped the girl, spontaneously.

Mars cleared his throat. "Don't sleep in the bath. Your skin will wrinkle, and you can catch a cold."

Emmelyn, who was startled, immediately looked around and found Mars was already clothed, and his body was dry. The man looked ready to sleep.

Jeez ...

Emmelyn suddenly realized that she must have fallen asleep earlier after closing her eyes in the bath while soaking. Indeed, the warm water that wrapped her body felt so comfortable that she unconsciously became drowsy and fell asleep.

"How long did I sleep in the bath?" asked Emmelyn with an embarrassed expression.

"Not for long. I wouldn't let you stay there long enough to shrink and wrinkle," said Mars, with a chuckle. He then put a towel on Emmelyn's head and stood with his arms crossed over his chest, watching the girl get up from the bath and dry herself.

"Hmm ... you don't have to watch me dry my body," scolded the girl as she cast a sharp glance at Mars. "You make me feel uncomfortable."

"Fine. I'll be waiting for you in bed then," said Mars finally.

He then walked to the bed and lay down with his eyes closed. He was a little annoyed that this girl didn't seem to appreciate that he had been kind enough to wake her up so she wouldn't sleep in the bath until morning.

As usual, Emmelyn always treated him like a pervert who only wanted to take advantage of her, and she acted rudely to him.

Okay. You will see, Mars muttered to himself. He had done something to make sure Emmelyn regretted being rude to him.

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