Chapter 16 - Why Do You Always Take A Bath Before Bed?

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After Emmelyn took off her clothes, she walked over to the bathtub and stepped inside. The tub was half-filled with water, and on autumn nights like this, the warm water felt like a treat to her feet.

Because it was dark, Emmelyn had to hold on to the edge of the tub so that she didn't take a wrong step. Mars just smiled at himself seeing the girl's behavior. He stretched out his hand about to touch the girl's hand and lead her in, but when his hand touched Emmelyn's skin, the girl spontaneously hit him.



"Gosh, don't surprise me, you bastard," scolded Emmelyn. "What if I have a weak heart? I could die!"

Mars was shocked to hear that. "You have a weak heart?"

"No, but you didn't know if I do, right?" Emmelyn retorted. "Next time don't surprise me."

She held on to the edge of the tub and then put her feet one by one into the tub. Luckily the bathtub was big enough for the two of them, so she could quickly find a position at the very end, as far away from Mars as possible.

Once she was inside, Emmelyn kept her hair on a bun to keep it from getting wet. Having wet hair before bed was very inconvenient. She might get sick the next day.

Surprisingly, this scummy prince loved his bath before going to sleep. Well, can't blame him, though. He had unlimited access to clean water, and he wasn't the one to carry the water buckets, Emmelyn thought to herself.

"Do you like the temperature?" asked Mars suddenly, startling Emmelyn.

He had been watching the girl with his sharp eyes, while Emmelyn didn't seem to realize that Mars could see all her movements clearly.

From the moment she got into the bathtub, the girl had seemed absent-minded and her lips would pout as if she was thinking about a serious matter. Nothing escaped Mars's eyes. He watched her attentively because everything she did made the man feel fascinated.

Usually, girls would look ugly when they pouted or sulked, but strangely, the girl in front of him looked even more attractive when she did those. When he saw her deep in thoughts, Mars actually wanted to know what was on the girl's mind.

Was she thinking about what they were going to do in bed soon?

Ahh ... the thoughts made Mars's face turn slightly red in the dark. He was also eager to do the deed. He had been wondering all day how it would be like to sleep with her. He had never done this with any woman because of the curse, so he was full of anticipation.

Mars often heard from his cousins ​​and the officers under him what it was like to have sex with girls, but... he never knew the real thing. You know, it's like hearing from people how cherry was so delicious, but no matter how much people explained the taste, he couldn't relate since he never ate cherry.

Fortunately, Emmelyn suddenly came into his life and sex would no longer be a mystery to him.

Tonight... he would find out what cherry tasted like.

Unknowingly, Prince Mars swallowed hard, something inside him woke up, and slowly he started to feel uncomfortable. Usually, his bath would be the most relaxing time of his day, but somehow, tonight, that was not the case.

He had this habit of washing up before going to sleep because he had severe difficulties with sleep. The only way to get good sleep, in addition to taking all the sleeping potion from the court physician, was he had to always make himself as comfortable as possible before bed.

His strenuous activities during the day, taking care of the state affairs, military training, and managing the soldiers made his body dirty or sweaty. That's why, to relax, he must clean himself, then slept after taking the sleeping potion.

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