Chapter 28 - Don't Eat My Pie

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Mars kissed Emmelyn's hair and closed his eyes. He caught his breath as he hugged Emmelyn. For a while, the two of them enjoyed an afterglow together.

After her breathing calmed down, Emmelyn turned her body and looked at Mars with a sharp gaze and a pout.

"You pervert! Damn! Why did you do it during the day???? How can I show my face outside of this chamber now???" scolded the girl, hitting Mars in the chest with her tiny hand.

The man did not budge and just endure the blow. He was in a really good mood that he decided not to respond to Emmelyn's anger. After all, it didn't hurt him at all.

It was in vain for Emmelyn to try to get a reaction from him.

[Dammit. You scummy prince!!]

After lying down like that, enjoying an afterglow for ten minutes, Mars finally got up. He took a small towel from the cupboard and wet it with water from the jar on the table. After cleaning himself, he then handed another wet towel to Emmelyn, who was still giving him a murderous glare.

"Do you want to go to dinner like that?" Mars asked, pointing at Emmelyn's naked body. He then narrowed his eyes. "Or do you want me to clean you?"

Suddenly Emmelyn got out of bed and grabbed the towel from Mars's hand.

No way! She knew this man's tricks. He would definitely take the opportunity to fondle Emmelyn again, and who knew what he would do later?

When Emmelyn finished cleaning her body, Mars had already done getting dressed. He stood waiting for the girl at the door patiently.

Emmelyn, who assumed that Mars wanted to have dinner with her, finally put on her clothes and immediately joined the prince out of the chamber.

The two of them walked into the small dining room where Mars used to eat alone and sat there to have dinner. Several servants immediately came to serve them.

"Your Highness, tonight the cooks were making Lady Emmelyn's favorite dishes. They are asking Lady Emmelyn to provide input on their cooking," said the butler, Roshan, respectfully.

"All right. Bring the dishes here," said Mars, waving his hand.

Roshan bowed once again before exiting the dining room and returning moments later with several male servants who arrived with trays containing the various dishes Emmelyn had ordered.

She immediately smelled the apple pie she had been missing for so long. Oh.. it immediately changed her mood for the better. She also saw pecan peanut cake, and most importantly, the main course, a roast pig.

The girl licked her lips as dish after dish came and presented on the table in front of them.

"Please enjoy, Your Highness," said Roshan, making a sign inviting the crown prince and his woman to eat. He then resigned, letting the two of them eat.

"Is this the food you like?" Mars asked, looking at Emmelyn, who was sitting beside him.

At first, Emmelyn wanted to sit across from the man. However, because her right hand was still weak and could not be used to eat, Mars forced Emmelyn to sit beside him so that the man could feed her more easily.

Emmelyn swallowed when she saw the whole roast pig, still smoking and leaking fat dripping from its skin. Uhhh .. That roast pig skin looked so crispy and delicious. She believed if Mars wasn't there with her that night, she would have pounced on the pig and eat it to her heart's content.

Unfortunately, in addition to having this scummy prince sitting beside her, Emmelyn couldn't use her right hand either. Who knows how long this damn hand would be in this state.

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