Chapter XXIII

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˖*. DEAR DIARY .*˖

Diane Albury - 15 y/o                      July 1st

Dear diary,

It's been a while since I've done this, sorry for not having written something in the last few months.

What am I even writing, you're not a living thing...

Anyway, I finished my fourth year at Hogwarts last month. The exams were fairly easy, Though I suppose they went easy on us this term since we'll be having the O.W.L.s next year. (Not looking forward to that.)

So, what have I been up to these past months...

I kept up my French since learning some from Louis Weasley over Christmas break. Surprisingly, there's loads of French books in the school's library.

'Je m'appelle Diane, comment ça va?' Or something like that...

I've been trying to set up Cassia and Saoirse for a while now. They were clearly into each other at the New Year's Eve party, so I managed to get the two of them to agree to a Hogsmeade trip. Sadly, I got 'sick' at the last minute and the two of them had to go alone.

They've been dating ever since. Saoirse told me all about how Cassia made the first move, describing it as her 'Gryffindor courage'. She'd taken Saoirse's hand in hers as they entered the village, and the two didn't let go of each others hands until the very last second when they had to rush to their separate common rooms to avoid being out after curfew.

All very romantic indeed.

Lysander has been acting weird whenever any of us talk about romance or crushes. I assumed him and Remi were a thing after what happened at the party, but he keeps denying it. They've gone on secret Hogsmeade dates and I see them snogging around almost every corridor.

Lys said they're just 'friends with benefits', but I don't understand what that means. Probably an American thing he picked up from Ezequiel.

Lorcan has been the same as always. Helpful and friendly, like a true Hufflepuff.

Rox and Lloyd are close friends again, after that weird period where she dated Jasper Remington and Lloyd couldn't even stand to be in the same room as her.

It's weird, they both fancy each other but still don't do anything about it. It's clear as day that they would be perfect for each other. They're just both being daft.

I can't even imagine another human being fancying you. Has never happened to me before.

Merlin, now I just sound pathetic don't I.

What else do you write in a diary...

I guess everyone writes about the person they fancy. I don't really know if there's anyone like that in my life.

Mum once told me that when you fancy someone, you feel happy every time you're around them. That you get 'butterflies' in your stomach with even the slightest touch. That they're the first person you look at after telling a joke or something funny.

I guess I was happy every time Ezequiel was around. But I don't think I've ever felt butterflies.

Well actually, I felt something weird when Parker touched my arm during quidditch tryouts. It felt like a weird tingling in my stomach, I guess that can be described as butterflies, right?

It's not that I'm happy every time I see her, either. I just get curious. I want to know more about her. For example, how is the situation between her and her dad. Or just stupid things like what's her favourite colour and her favourite song.

I don't think she feels the same way... She hates me.

I'll just have to get over this stupid crush then.

What else...

I helped Saoire cut her hair a few weeks ago. She wanted 'something new' so I quickly got to work.

Lorcan checked in with us every few minutes, asking if we were okay or needed anything. Apparently his mum had told him that when a girl cuts her hair, it means she's going through something.

Her hair's a lot shorter now, but just as frizzy as before. I'm not a professional hairdresser but I think I did a good enough job.

Anything else I can write about...

Oh, how could I Forget. Something's been going on in the wizarding world. Not just Hogwarts either, the whole of the United kingdom seems to be suffering.

There was an attack two months ago.

An army of giants destroyed some of the small villages surrounding the mountains they normally resided in.

There was a lot of death. Muggles as well as wizards and witches lost their lives. I heard that some of those who possessed magic protected the non-magical people to their last breaths.

It's all incredibly horrible, really.

The ministry of magic sent flyers around, stating that they don't know how dangerous the whole situation is yet. They don't seem to know wether this was a one time thing or wether they planned on attacking again.

There'd been rumours that the giants had been riling up for a few years now, but that all just seemed impossible.

I guess those few who came out of the mountains alive were right. They were riling up, for a war nonetheless.

It seems that the army of giants has retreated for now, it's just that nobody knows where. Rox told me the ministry had sent out a few aurors already, but they never returned...

I guess this was the thing Rox's uncle and those two others were discussing on Christmas day in the kitchen. It's all out in the open now regardless...

Hogwarts is staying open next year, I reckon it's the safest place to be anyway.

I can't talk to my parents about any of this, that's why I'm writing it all down here.

I can't really talk to my friends either during summer, despite the few letters we regularly send each other.

It'll be a weird term starting next September...

But, I'm happy to spend time with my friends regardless. Under no circumstances would I ever NOT like spending time with them. We'll get through all of this together, there's no doubt about that.

Thanks for letting me ramble on.


~ End of year four ~

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