Chapter V

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*. The very first day .* °

That night, Diane had stayed up late. Discussing the course of the day with Leanne, who was as new to Hogwarts as she was. Even though the girl had grown up in a fairly magical household, her parents had made sure she grew up like an ordinary muggle child. Diane felt comfortable sharing her questions and demands with the girl.

The two had fallen asleep on Leanne's bed, sharing Diane's earphones to listen to music. Aside from listening to downloaded tunes, there wasn't much use to her phone anymore. There was no reception and no wifi anywhere in or around the castle. Many of the students didn't even bother bringing their phones to Hogwarts anymore, as the use of them was prohibited during classes and in the great hall.

Diane woke up as she saw the green hue shining through their small windows grow brighter. She quickly changed into her green-lined robes and silently fought with her striped tie before running out of the dungeons.

She didn't feel like waiting for Lloyd to awaken and figured she'd just meet him at breakfast.

As she neared the Great hall she smelled the scent of strong coffee mixed with chocolate milk and pancakes. At the Slytherin table not a soul was to be seen. But as she pulled her gaze up to the other tables she could see Lorcan and Saoirse having a cheerful conversation at the almost empty Hufflepuff table.

'Goodmorning.' Diane smiled as she took a seat next to Saoirse. The girl snapped her head in her direction and embraced Diane in a tight hug. 'I missed you already!' She squeaked. Diane chuckled as she shot a grinning Lorcan a quick smile.

As Diane got settled, a sheet of parchment flew from the teachers table towards theirs. Landing on the plate sitting before Diane. 'Class schedule - Diane Lou Albury - 1st year' The paper read.

At that same moment Roxanne and Lloyd entered the great hall, followed closely by Lysander and another first year Ravenclaw boy.

The two boys settled in the free spots next to Lorcan and Diane. Meanwhile Roxanne walked over to the two girl and hugged them tightly.

'Saoirse, I see you've already met Diane.' Roxanne said as she took the spot next to Lloyd. 'Oh yeah, we met back on the express. She's great isn't she!' Saoirse yelped.

Diane couldn't help but blush lightly as everyone piled their favourite breakfast foods onto their plates. Seconds later their schedules also flying from the large table at the front of the hall onto their plates. Sadly for Lloyd, his schedule landed directly into his bowl of cereal. Earning a few snorts from Roxanne.

Diane was delighted by the spontaneous conversation between all her friends. She'd always dreaded meeting new people, fearing it was going to be awkward. Or that she somehow would embarrass herself and end up friendless for the next seven years.

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