Chapter IV

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*. The portrait .* °

Diane was unpacking her suitcase in her dorm room. She'd already had the pleasure of meeting one of her roommates who was now laying down on her bed, reading a book that Diane could swear had moving pictures on the cover. Her name was Leanne and she was an exchange student from a Wizarding school called Ilvermorny located in America. Diane wanted to know more about the girl but she was rather quiet and shy, so she decided to leave her by herself for now.

As she was placing a framed picture of her parents on her nightstand, two giggling girls entered the chamber. 'Hi! I'm Avery, and this is Evelyn.' One of the two yelped while pointing to her friend. 'Looks like we'll be roomies!' The other chimed in.

Diane hadn't even time to vocalise her own name before the girls strolled over to their beds and started gossiping loudly about some older Slytherin boys they'd caught a glimpse of. Leanne looked over at Diane and started chuckling lightly, shooting her an apologetic look. Diane did her best to hide her own laugh as she proceeded unpacking.

Not even seconds later the door swung open again and an exhilarated Lloyd came bursting in their room, to which Evelyn and Avery shrieked loudly. 'Oh, I'm sorry ladies.' He said with a cheeky grin. 'Diane could you come to the common room real quick?' He asked before leaving their room.

Diane waved goodbye too Leanne before making her way down. She was confused upon seeing dozens of students Hurrying out of the room. She hadn't even properly made her way into the common room when Lloyd grabbed her hand and hauled her out of the room, trailing the other students.

'What are you doing? We can't be out, it's already past curfew!' Diane tried reasoning while trailing after Lloyd who was climbing the stairs two steps at a time. 'Don't worry, I'll explain when we're there.' He panted. 'And where is there?' She asked getting slightly annoyed. 'You'll find out soon enough, Albury.' He stated without even slowing down or looking at her.

A good fifteen minutes later the two had reached a landing that was bustling with students from every house. 'Can you explain what's going on now?' Diane asked as she eyed the students, some were laughing amongst themselves, others were crying and consoling each other.

'My sister Vivian, who's a third year, told me about this tradition the students had. Basically at every first day of a new school year the students come up to this room after curfew, I'm not going to explain what's in there, you'll see for yourself.' Lloyd started towards the door of the room but Diane stopped him.

'What if a teacher finds us?' She worriedly asked. 'I think the staff already know that this is happening, it's been a tradition for about fifteen years after all. Besides, what are they gonna do? Put the whole school in detention?' He said while laughing.

Diane followed Lloyd towards the door of the room, feeling slightly nervous about not knowing what was behind it. When he opened it however, the large room was packed with students. Some chatting with one another, others facing a huge painting that took up all the space on the furthest wall.

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