Chapter I

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*. A whole new world .* °

Diane Lou Albury drowsily opened her eyes upon being shook slightly in the backseat of her parents car. She looked up and quickly recognised the bright face of her mother who'd put on a sweet smile and was lightly shaking her shoulder.

'We're here sweetie.' She said as she guided a still sleepy Diane out of the car. She saw her step-father unloading a big brown coloured suitcase and a wrapped package adorned with a simple golden bow from the boot.

'You sure you've got everything that letter mentioned?' He said as he weighted the suitcase in his hands. 'Feels rather light if you ask me.' Diane chuckled and took the suitcase in her hand after her step-dad put it down. 'Yes David, I'm sure.' She said smiling. Her mother took Diane's shoulders in her hands and slowly turned her around so she could face her.

'We bought a little beginning-of-term present for you.' She said with her signature soft smile still plastered on her face. 'Mum, you really didn't have to do that.' Diane worriedly said.

Despite her young age she knew full well that her parents were rather impoverished. they already spent a good deal of money on the school supplies she needed, though Diane couldn't really estimate exactly how much. They had to exchange their pounds and pennies for pieces called galleons, sickles and knuts. She still had to learn how to work with the new value attached to these gold and silver coins.

Her parents were muggles you see. They were all quite surprised when their daughter received a letter by owl addressed to 'Diane Lou Albury, left room in the attic'. Luckily the letter explained everything in detail. From the existence of wizards and witches to where they needed to be for what supplies and how to get there.

Within a week of receiving this news her mum, step-dad and Diane went to a quaint and charming passage called 'Diagon Alley'. Diane couldn't stop talking about every little magical thing she saw, she'd run from shop to shop examining it's articles and goods as well as the interior and shopkeepers themselves.

Her parents on the other hand were quite the opposite. They walked stiffly side by side, their eyes wide and mouths clenched tight. They seemed to be in some sort of daze, not knowing if what they were seeing was real life or just a dream they collectively shared.

Diane's step-dad David approached her with the wrapped parcel, holding it out for her to take over. 'Go on, I think you'll love it.' He said as Diane skeptically took the large box from his hands. She placed it on the ground before starting to unwrap it.

Underneath all the purple wrapping paper was a big brown box that resembled an abnormally large shoe box. Diane looked up at her parents before opening the package. They were both grinning broadly whilst looking at her, David's arm wrapped around her mothers shoulder and their expressions full of anticipation.

When Diane opened the box at last she saw a dark brown bag. The outside was a leathery fabric and it had two small pockets at the front, two clasps attached to it to open and close the bag. On closer inspection she noticed small gold lettering on the back of the schoolbag stating her initials 'D.L.A'.

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