Chapter 2: Toast

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AN: so um this is gonna be short because yh

I was frozen in the doorway, looking over the pairs of eyes. How could I be late to my first class? "You must be Haylee" a short man that had golden elephants on his pants. I lightly nodded and shuffled to the seat next to Courtney. She took her feet off the seat. Aw, she saved a seat for me. "Well, I'm Mr.Wonton." he said. She lightly smiled as the bell rang. Time for 1st period.


6 classes passed already and it was lunch time. I met Courtney and Ross in front of the cafeteria doors. "Be careful, it's like a zoo in there." Ross warned me. I knitted my eyebrows together and nodded. "I shall not feed the monkeys." I said in a deep voice. Courtney nodded and pet my head "Good girl." Ross opened the doors and my eyes widened. It was like a zoo. Kids were running around and eating with their hands. It was so loud that I had to cover my ears. Courtney linked her arms with mine and Ross'. "CHARGEEE!" Ross yelled and we all ran to the line.

We grabbed our trays. I got some spaghetti and Sprite, Courtney got a ham and cheese sandwich, and Ross got a chicken salad with low fat dressing. We dodged running bodies and shuffled to an empty table. Courtney sat next to me and Ross sat in front of us. We all laughed and began to ate. I took a bite of my spaghetti and I literally moaned. It was so good. "I can get you moaning louder than that." a husky voice whispered in my ear. I could feel my cheeks burning. I turned around to see the bully from earlier. Courtney did also and grabbed my hand. Ross absently picked at his salad, not making any eye contact.

"What do you want, bully?" I said. "My name is Ryan." he said. "She didn't ask for your name." Courtney said. I mentally grinned. I love this girl. "ooo, fiesty. You two would make a good threesome." Ryan said with a smirk. "Dude, just leave." Ross said. I lightly gasped and turned around to see Ross staring up at Ryan with his jaw clenched. "And what are you gonna do about it,faggot?" Ryan said. Ross stood up and stormed out of the cafeteria. "Do you HAVE to be mean to everyone?" I said as Courtney went to find Ross. "No. I'm just mean to the people that I see as vulnerable." he replied. I scoffed "whatever. I'm gonna find Ross and Courtney."I said as I stood up. Ryan nodded, walking away. As I was walking out the door, I felt something slimy and wet go down my back.

I turned around to see a very skinny, blonde, pretty girl with way-too-short-shorts and a tight tanktop. "That's what you get for talking to Ryan. Back off, he's mind." She said.

Then she slapped me.

Oh hell no.
I lunged at her, bringing her to the ground. I started punching her many times as the whole cafeteria started yelling. She was screaming and flailing her arms and legs. I continued to punch her. Soon, I felt strong arms yank me off of the bitch and carrying me away. "LET ME GO" I yelled as I kicked my legs up. I knew it was Ryan.

I was set down once we reached a field. I was set down. I huffed as I crossed my arms. My knuckles hurt. I looked up to see a very upset Ryan. "What the hell was that for?"he yelled. I winced and looked down. I felt tears stinging at my eyes. He slipped his finger under my chin and lifted my head. His eyes were a darker shade of brown instead of greenish blue. "Don't cry... I'm sorry" he whispered as he sat down next to me. "Why are you being so nice?" I asked. He lightly sighed and shook his head "I can't tell you.. I'm sorry." The 7th period bell rang. "I have to go.. Sorry" I whispered and started walking to the school.

I was greeted by Courtney and Ross. They both had apologetic looks on their faces. "We heard what happened." Ross whispered. Courtney grabbed my face and looked for marks. "Damn girl you can fight" she said. I was about to say something when I saw the principal calling my name. I lightly waved to Ross and Courtney and headed to her office. On my way, I saw a kid sitting on the ground in a toast costume singing "18" by 5sos. What in the actual heck.

AN: told you it was short. omg please follow my vine it's sigh edits but like there's a flower on each side. you'll see it when you search up "sigh edits" on vine. I promise k bye

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