Speeding Cars

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AN: Hi guys, I'll be writing more often since I got a new computer.. so um yh.


I was waiting in the hallway for Ryan for about 10 minutes. I was leaning on the wall next to Ms.Spina's office. What was he doing? Why was he taking so long?

2 minutes later, Ryan came around the corner. I noticed that he had changed. His black jeans were replaced by light blue ones and his Green Day shit was replaced with a white T shirt. His hair was messy but it was perfect. It was like, perfectly messy. I also noticed that his eyes changed to a darker brown. I saw something in his eyes that I couldn't make out. Was it.. love?

"Done checking me out?"

I jumped out of my daze and looked up at a smirking Ryan. My mouth opened but no words came out. What was I supposed to say after he caught me checking him out? "You better close that mouth babe before I put something in it" Ryan said.

I purposely ignored him, looking at him straight in the eyes. "Babe?" I asked. Ryan stood straight, fear taking over his eyes. "D-Did I call you that?" He stuttered. I nodded slowly, my arms crossed. "It's fine, I kinda like it" I said, a smile spreading my face. Ryan stood there for a while, just staring at me. After a couple moments her grabbed my hand and started pulling me. The bell rang andkids swarmed out of their classes. Ryan groaned, sprinting down the hall while I was still in his grip. I yelped as I tripped over someone. Ryan came to the rescue, practically dragging me to the door. Once we burst through the doors, a motorcycle was in my sight. I thought that was his but we took a sharp right turn and I was led to a convertible.

He didnt bother unlocking it. He jumped right in, gesturing for me to do the same. I tried to do it as cool as he did. I went up and grabbed the side of the door. I jumped, trying to swing my legs over but my knees just banged into the car and I was on the ground. Ryan came running out of the car, kneeling beside me. "Are you alright? Are you hurt? I'm sorry, I should've opened the door for you." I was staring at him with wide eyes. He was being nice. "Ryan, are you ok today?" I asked. Ryan realized what he did and he cleared his throat. "Yeah, yeah, I mean.." Ryan started to laugh. "You're such a clutz!" I could tell he was forcing the laugh. I stuck my tongue out and stood up. I brushed off my pants and this time, Ryan opened the door.

What an idiot.

I slid into the car and put my seatbelt on. Ryan started the car and sped out of the driveway. I yelped as I was pushed back by rushing wind. When we came to a red light, Ryan slammed on the brakes. My hands slammed on the dashboard as my head tilted forward. My hair was crazy. I was recovering when Ryan slammed on the gas pedal and we were off again. "Why are you going to fast?" I screamed over the rushing wind. Ryan smirked and kept going. 5 minutes later, there were flashing lights behind us and police sirens pierced the air. "Shit!" Ryan yelled as he pulled over. "That's what you get for speeding" I muttered. Ryan looked at my as I slid farther into the seat. 

As the policeman came closer, I saw that he took out his handcuffs. Welp... this is gonna be fun.

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