Chapter 3: Meeting Ezmra

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Hello guys, I haven't written in a long time because my computer broke, I'm terribly sorry. I hope that you're still reading thissss <3


I gave Courtney and Ross an apologetic look before walking to the principal's office. I saw that in the office there was a boy sitting to the side. He was the boy I saw earlier that Ryan was beating up. He was looking down at his hands that were interlocked in each other. His right foot was hitting the ground lightly but really fast. He seemed nervous. I didn't notice that I wasn't paying attention when I violently bumped into a seat. I yelped, startling the boy. I pretended that I didn't see him and rushed to the door that leads to the actual principal's office.

"Ezmra, you're dismissed" The principal yelled.

The boy got up, practically running out the room. I wonder why he was in here in the first place. I walked in the room, being bumped by the girl I fought with in the process.

I ignored her, walking over to the principal's desk. I saw "Spina" in a small frame on her desk. I supposed her name was Ms.Spina. Ms. Spina gestured to a seat, indicating for me to sit down. I sat, crossing my legs. Teresa sat on the other far side from me, her focus on her nails.

"So, who's going to tell me their side first?"

None of us said anything so she turned to the other girl. "Ms.Dane, why don't you share your perspective on this incident?" Ms.Spina asked.

Teresa sat up, her hand dropping to her lap. "This bi-"

Ms.Spina cleared her throat loudly, cutting her off. " Ms.Dane. Language." Ms.Spina said sternly.

Teresa rolled her eyes, continuing "This...whatever... attacked me."

Ms.Spina arched her eyebrows, looking over at me "How come, Ms.Dane?"

"I was getting my lunch, plain salad with tomatoes, the usual, when she slapped my tray out my hands and spit on my new Gucci stilettos." She lifted her leg, showing off her bright red shoes. "And after that, she jumped on me and started scratching my face and punching me."

"I don't see any scratches Ms.Dane" Ms.Spina said. Teresa opened her mouth to say something, but Ms.Spina interrupted her. "How about you, Ms. Pedenski. What's your side?"

I sat up, clearing my throat. "First off, she's a liar. She came up to me and said to lay off her man." I threw my hands up, rushing my words. I was speaking so fast, I didn't think my lips and tongue could handle my speed. 

"Then she flipped out and slapped me and started attacking me so I took control and fought back. Surely I can't be suspended for that because it's just self defense and it's my first day and that will go on my records and that'll ruin my whole reputation and I can't have that since I want to get accepted to Harvard and I need to have a perfect reputation for that and I don't want to mess that up and I hope you understand because you seem really nice and please don't tell my mom because she will flip the heck out and she'll ground me and god knows what my dad will do, just please don-"

"MS.PEDENSKI" Ms.Spina yelled. "Breathe, Haylee". I took deep breaths, trying to catch my breath. "Sorry" I whispered after I catched my breath. Ms.Spina nodded "Is this true, Ms.Pedenski?" I nodded before she turned her head to Teresa. "Ms.Dane, now tell me. Is this true?" "Hell n-"

The door burst open, revealing a very angry looking Ryan. "Ms.Spina, this was all Teresa's fault." he said. Teresa sat up quickly, looking up at Ryan. "Baby, what are y-"

"Don't call me that." Ryan growled. Seriously, he growled. I winced as Ryan looked at me, a vein very visible on his neck. "Well, I guess Ms.Dane will have to serve this punishment. You're safe for now, Ms.Pedenski." I let out a sigh of relief as I stood up. Ryan took my hand and pulled me out of the room. "Stay here, I'll be right back." Ryan said before he jogged down the hall and turned to the right. I hugged myself as I saw Ezmra walking towards me. His head was down, like always, and he was quickly shuffling. "Hey" I said, standing in front of him. "H-Hi" Ezmra said. "You're Ezmra, right?" I asked. The boy nodded, his black hair falling into his eyes. "I'm Haylee, nice to meet you." "Hi Haylee." he whispered. "Are you ok?" I asked, my hand moving to his shoulder. Ezmra looked up, my eyes meeting his. "I'm fine. Thanks again for saving me from... him.." I nodded "Anytime." I was glad to see that he was happy. I've always only seen him when he's sad or shy. "Does this make us friends?" I asked, pointing between him and I. He grinned, nodding quickly. I laughed, patting his back. "See ya' around." I said "Bye, friend" He said like the word 'friend' was something dangerous. I don't blame him. He flashed me one last pearly white smile before quickly walking away. 

He is so freaking adorable.

AN: Hey, sorry that this is a little short. But tbh, this took me a long time. I was too lazy to read over it and edit it, sorry. Enjoyyyyy <3 Remember to fan me and comment. Love you alllll <3

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