Chapter 4: Katsumi Bakugo & Izuku Yin-Yang

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3rd POV:

Izuku was currently 16 years old and would be turning 17 soon. He had roughly one and a half years until it was time for him to try for UA university. Izuku had planned to go to UA which would involve revealing himself to Eraserhead since he knew that the man was now teaching at the school. However, this would also include revealing himself to the government who would try to force wives upon him. Izuku knew very well he wasn't going to be letting them force any women onto him. He also knew he would screen any women that he might fancy as well to ensure they are wanting to be with him for the right reasons and not to use him as just a breeder. Izuku had no plans to be a submissive partner and would dominate the relationships with quite a lot of kink exploration as well.

Izuku decided to go out and explore one of the cities near the forest. He was surprised that Eraserhead never figures out the double meaning of his hint. Green Valley was the meaning of his former last name but it was also the nickname of this forest that he was living in. The nickname was only used by the locals of the cities through which he thought Eraserhead would know but it seems he is overlooking it. Izuku started his journey through the city and looked back on some of his interactions with people from Momo and then several other girls which each had their own unique personalities that interested Izuku and wondered if he would meet them again. However, as Izuku was walking through the city he was attacked by a villain. It was some female sludge villain that wanted to take control of his body and also made some lewd comments about having her way with his corpse... yea, Izuku didn't let her get anywhere close to his body at all! He froze her in the air and made her explode apart which since she was slime or some sludge she didn't die. Right as Izuku had finished doing that he heard something else come out of the sewer. It was Gall Might the current number one hero who was a female. Izuku however sensed something wrong with All Might though. However, he didn't get a chance to look into it as All Might started her laugh and then looked confused at how eh villain was already defeated as she saw the villain blown apart next to the boy!?

"Um... young man did you do this?" All Might asked. Izuku confirmed that he indeed do it. This confused All Might even more since the possibility of a male having a quirk was low and the number of males with quirks was less than a few hundred in the entire world! "Young man, may I ask do you have a quirk, and if so what is it?" She asked him. Izuku nodded his head. "I do have a power it's... a bit hard to explain but overall you could call it Yin-Yang," Izuku said. Izuku though didn't give any more explanation than that which left All Might stump. She remembered about the villain and quickly got it all together into a bottle which she put in her pant pockets. Before she could turn back to the boy and ask more questions he was gone though in truth he only hid from her eyesight. All Might then turned around and jumped away but Izuku noticed that the bottle was falling out of his pocket! Izuku followed quickly after him but didn't see where the bottle fell at. Izuku though did see why he felt something was wrong with All Might though. He saw her drop from the muscle form to a more skinny form that looked unhealthy. Izuku then went into her memories and found out why and how it happened... she fought a strong opponent around 6 or so years ago that could steal, give, or combine quirks. 'That is really strong and from what I can tell that person is still alive. If I come across them then I will likely remove their quirks since mortals aren't meant to live that long especially if they are evil like that person is.' Izuku thought. Then an explosion went off on another side of the city that was under All Might's flight path. All Might realized the bottle was gone and started to run down the stairs and to the site of the fight.

Izuku headed to the site of the fight as well. He arrived on-site and soon saw someone from his past! It was one Katsumi Bakugo! Izuku felt his heartache at seeing her but soon realized what was going on. Katsumi was being held by the dam villain that attempted to harm him! 'HOW DARE YOU TOUCH WHAT IS MINE!' Izuku thought as he felt an extreme possessiveness wash over him in regards to Katsumi. Izuku noticed that none of the heroes on site was doing anything and even All Might wasn't doing anything since she hit her limit. He could feel the degrading thoughts of All Might on her failing to stop the villain. Izuku had enough since he refused to allow Katsumi to die! As such, he started to run in and as he did the covering over his head that hid him from people looking directly at him and seeing that he was a male blew off his head and everyone gasps as they were calling out for him to stop. They were shocked to see a male running in towards the villain. 

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