Chapter 28: Return & Summer Training

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3rd POV:

It was time for Izuku to return to his world and he did such as that. Izuku realized he would have been gone for two days and a half now since the meeting and everything had taken a bit longer than they had planned for but again in the eyes of gods time was a trivial thing. Izuku soon arrived back in his world and noticed that most of the life forms in his world were in the max system trying to get to the other side of his world.

 Izuku soon arrived back in his world and noticed that most of the life forms in his world were in the max system trying to get to the other side of his world

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Izuku found Nezu and Aizawa still in the teacher's area though everyone else but the little girl who was with them was in the maze system. Izuku appeared behind them and coughed as they all quickly turned to look at him. The girl's eyes widened and asked where he was since everyone else was searching for him. Izuku frowned and looked at Nezu who shrugged. "We tried to tell them not to and that you would return with time but some got concerned decided to look for you since you didn't return this morning. Your wives on the other hand saw it as a challenge to get to the other side as some training since they knew you would come back regardless." Nezu said and Izuku rolled his eyes. 'Of course, my wives would see that as a challenge! That sounds just like something they would do...' Izuku thought as he sighed out loud.

"Of course... I guess I should bring them back since a lot of them appear to be trapped in the maze. The only ones close to the other side happen to be my wives of course which isn't surprising since they know my habits and everything and would likely decode the system of the maze since there is a way to figure a path out if you know me well enough. They are about 5 minutes away from getting to the other side but..." Izuku said as he smirked at the end and Aizawa rolled his eyes. "You are going to teleport them all back right as they see the exit aren't you?" Aizawa asked and Izuku just smirked and nodded his head as Aizawa said they would be pissed with him but Izuku just shrugged.

About 5 minutes later everyone appeared out in the field since Izuku and the other three went to the field and sat down as they enjoyed some tea. "I see you are all back now.  Did you enjoy the full in my maze which I wanted you all not to go into since you would get lost?" Izuku asked as he took a drink of his tea though he heard the sound of Katsumi's quirk as she came charging at him. Kotu jumped away at seeing the site but Izuku just sat there calmly as he grabbed her wrists and flipped her quickly into his lap as he held her arms across each other with his main arm holding her against his chest. "Now, now, now. That is a really mean way to reunite with your husband though I take it you are pissed since I teleported you all back here right as you found the exit, my dear Katsumi?" Izuku said as he smirked at her who in turn glared at him. His other wives came over to him and glared as well which Izuku just kept smirking at.

"To think if I returned about 30 minutes later then you would have had found it before I would have arrived to stop you. Just means it's not in your fate today to see what's on the other side." Izuku said as he let Katsumi go as she turned at him and glared as she joined the other wives. Everyone else though asked him where the hell he went but he ignored them and paid attention to his wives. Kotu though walked over to him and looked at him which Izuku turned around and asked her what she needed. She stared at him and he stared at her but soon she pulled back and tried to punch him in the ball but he was quick enough to catch it. "Now, aren't you fierce! You should keep this type of attitude kid since others get walked over easily!" Izuku said with a smirk and Kotu had a small smirk as well. But the wild, wild pussycats said that her attitude shouldn't be encouraged which Izuku rolled his eyes at and they seemed offended. 

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