Tears of an Angel

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"So what are you gonna do?" Leah asked as she poked at the small baby bump that I had been staring at for the past ten minutes and I couldn't help but look away as she slowly rubbed from the top of the bump to my navel. 

"Does it matter? The people who matter already know." I muttered as I continued lay across the bed of my room. My eyes trailed over the cracks in the ceiling and I tried to focus on that and not my sisters hands as she massaged the small bump.

Leah was one third of the Hatake tripletts and I was praying that giving birth to tripletts didn't run in the family. I had had to grow up with three sisters who were different from your normal tea party princesses. They were different in a way that fascinated me, but they were still girls none the less. They didn't swoon over the pregnancy but they still wanted to help regardless of what I said. Caroline, the oldest, was a doctor at the hospital and she was the one who confirmed it all. Aurora, the middle child, took it as if it was a normal thing, and then there was Leah. She was the softy and even though she didn't particularly fangirl, she vowed to kill Sasuke if he didn't want this baby.

Sasuke Uchiha, my secret boyfriend of four years. It began after he re-entered the village and became a shinobi of the hidden leaf was when I accepted the fact that he wasn't planning on leaving again. That was when I slowly let my walls down and then this happens. I sighed, pulling my shirt down.

That was how my day had started off. After that I was forced to go to work even though I despised it because I felt like crap on this day in particular.

"Hey Sensei!" Yumi, one of my students, greeted as she gave me a big smile. Hikaru and Renji followed her and soon the lesson began, mostly sparring because I didn't exactly feel too pleasant and the boys had been wanting to take out their anger on each other all week. I just watched them making sure that they didn't manage to get any vital attacks in and that they kept private jutsus meant for enemies to themselves.

"Alright guys, that's enough." I mumbled, breaking up the fight before it got too intense. "We don't need a rerun of the incident that happened last week." I said pointedly, my eyes on Renji as he averted his gaze over to Yumi who was blushing. 

I dismissed the three of them, and decided to just rush into the hospital but was out of luck as Tenshi stalked up to greet me with a flirty smile on her face. I didn't bother showing any emotion as she ran her fingers through her hair and twirled it around on her fingers. "Hey Kyo." She poked her chest out as if it wasn't clearly visible to me already and gave me another smile. 

"I'm busy right now, Tenshi." My stomach was upset just from looking at her, but I didn't bother stating that aloud as she pouted. Kami! Yuki's gonna kill me later. I chuckled at the thought. At some point I was gonna end up crossing his imaginary line by mistake. I only rolled my eyes to myself and stepped around the woman, making my way into the hospital at a fast pace.

I sat on the table of the doctor's office waiting on my sister to tell me what exactly I was here for as she pulled out a tube of gel and a machine. "You're far along enough to see." She answered, making me sit back and pulling up my shirt and squirting some of the gel onto my stomach. My breath hitched and my eyes flickered over to her, but she only nodded her head and slipped a hand through mine. 

"B-But shouldn't Sasuke be here...I mean-"

"Sasuke doesn't get off of work until six and my shift ends at five. Unless you want to see another doctor than I advise you to let me do it now. I'll snap a picture and you can show it to him when he gets home." I knew this was just the way she had to act and it was a way she had learned a long time ago but I didn't need this right now. I had woken up with a headache and a small case of morning sickness that I would have thought would have gone away by now.

It was about five minutes later that I stepped out of the doctors office and headed to the Uchiha mansion. I was just about to open the door when I heard someone call my name. 

"Hatake!" I turned to see Yuki as he ran  up to me. I could tell that he was angry, the vein popping out of his forehead signifying it but I just ignored him more focused on the sonogram picture of the baby that was apparently growing inside of me. 4 months. It had been four months since this baby had been conceived and I could feel myself growing emotions for the little thing. So of course I was in a good mood as I turned to the fuming boy and I gave him a small smile. "Yuki, what are you-"

"She's mine!" He barked cutting me off before I could finish my sentence and I could see the coldness in his intense glare as he came closer. "Stay away from her!" 


"Don't play stupid with me, Kyo!" I stared at him as if he was an idiot and rolled my eyes at his behaviour. He was obviously mad because of what had happened earlier with Tenshi, I turned to open my door and then turned back to face the boy who was now breathing hard and shaking. "I don't want your slut, Yuki." There was that imaginary line.

My eyes widen as his fist met my abdomen and he knocked the wind out of me making me fall to the floor in pain. I taste the blood in my mouth as I held my stomach and the pain coiling through me was unlike any I had ever experienced and I could do was lie there. I could feel something sticky and wet running down my leg, but I couldn't even stand. I could hear his footsteps retreating and then taking off into a full on run, but the pain blinded me from seeing. 

"Sasuke!" I called out helplessly and I knew it was no use. Sasuke had left to train with Naruto about hour ago but the pain was too much to bear. I pushed myself up slowly from the floor to see my pants soaked with blood as I slowly limped over to the phone. 

"Kyo!" Sasuke burst through the door of the hospital room and quickly ran over to me but all I could do was hold my stomach. 

"It's gone." I mumbled, my head on my knees as the tears soaked my shirt. Sasuke stared in shock, slowly pushing my knees down and moving my hands away to see my flattened stomach and all I could do was sob. "I'm so sorry." 

I kept repeating it over and over and I couldn't help the tears the streamed down my face.

"Oh Kiyo, what happened?"

"Y-Yuki punched me in the s-stomach." He hugged me to him and I couldn't help but cry. I hadn't even known how attached I had been to that baby until the nurse had walked in with an apologetic look and had broken the news. I had held my feelings in for a good two minutes and then had let myself let out all the emotions. 

"He was a boy." I mumbled as we lie on the couch that night, huddled up in front of the TV and I held the black and white picture in my hands. Sasuke's eyes flickered down to the picture and I couldn't really understand the look on his face as he shook his head. 

"It's alright, babe." He whispered, rubbing my arm. 

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