Chapter 2

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I spent most of the next day in bed beside Sasuke who insisted that he stay until I got some real rest. I only let out a sigh for an argument but I couldn't find myself to close my eyes because I had been dreaming about that baby for a month now and now it was gone. My eyes slowly drooped as sleep drew nearer without my permission but soon I was out.

Sasuke's POV

"Yuki!" The boy turned at the call of his name only to stumble and fall on his ass from the impact of my fist.

"What the hell is your problem, dude?" He yelled, catching the attention of passing villagers. I wanted to shut him up but punching him would only alert someone and would stop me from pounding the piece of shit to a pulp.

"Do you know what you've done?" I yelled into his face as I gripped him by the front of his shirt and he tried to wiggle out of my grasp. Bystanders were beginning to gather and I pushed past them glaring daggers at the idiots.

"What the hell are you talking about?" The boy was pulled off of the ground by his collar and dragged into the alleyway only to be thrown against a wall. "Kiyo." I mumbled a reminder and a grimace found its way upon his face. "That punk shouldn't have been moving in on my girlfriend."

"That punk was pregnant and I'm pretty sure he has no interest whatsoever in your skank. He just lost our kid because of you and I be damned if you get away with it." His eyes were wide with a mixture of shock and fear and I could tell he was feeling that same numb feeling as guilt flickered over his face in place of the anger it had just held. "He's in bed right now crying his eyes out because that may never happen again." I could feel my eyes tearing up but I wouldn't let myself cry.

I pulled him up the street and pulled him towards the mansion, not even bothering to say more as he walked with me. He seemed to be dazed and I don't think the baby toys helped as we stepped into the house. They were sitting by the door in a return box and I only shook my head at Kiyo's handwriting, slightly smudged from the tears he had been crying when he wrote it.

My feet led me to the bedroom where Kiyo still lie, but he didn't look too happy or peaceful. He was sitting up staring down at the covers of the bed with the remote in his hand, but the TV wasn't on and he had this look in his eyes. It was a mixture of sadness and remorse. And then his eyes found Yuki and I standing in the door and his face lost all emotion and color.

Yuki's face mimicked his, but held guilt while Kiyo's held pain. I don't really know why I brought him here, but I guess I just wanted him to see what he had done as the boy sat there his eyes finding a pattern the cover as they became red again and pushed Yuki back out into the living room and closed the door because I'm pretty sure he didn't want anyone to see him cry.

I pushed him back out of the house and shut the door in his face, looking at our door hesitantly before heading in to see him staring up at the ceiling.

"Do they know?"

He nodded and I sat down on the bed next to him.

"They're going to kill him."

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