Chapter 3

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2 weeks later

"I don't think Kiyo wants him dead." Leah mumbled as she watched her sisters. Aurora was cleaning her sword while Caroline was preparing a plan.

"But Sasuke said he wasn't doing too good over the phone and besides..." Aurora mumbled, sliding her sword into her holster.

"What's extra precaution going to hurt?" Leah gave a shrug as Carol acknowledged this with a nod before opening the door.

"Or maybe we could just teach his slut a him how much it hurts..." 

Kiyo's POV

"Where've you been?" Yumi shrieked as I entered the opening, immediately taking a seat on the ground and pulling out a scroll.

"Preparing something for you." I mumbled simply, shifting stiffly.

"Oh really?" Hikaru and Renji listened from a distance while Yumi stood over my shoulder.

"It's only if you're sure you can handle it. I mean...Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke managed to do it..." As soon as I referenced their idols they were just radiating with determination as they listened closely.

"A cat...he wants us to find a damn cat."

"Renji! Watch your language. She could be listening." Yumi shouted smacking the boy over the head and I had to let out a sigh, closing my eyes.

"Seriously lets just find this damn thinking so we can go home." Hikaru snapped.

"Fine." Yumi mumbled, following behind him slowly with a small smile on her lips as he grumbled in irritation. That's when I was finally free to get out of this fucking tree that was hurting my butt and get back home.

It would probably take them hours and I had a feeling the Aurora, Carol, and Leah had made it into town.

When I made it to the main road I could just hear the whispers, but I knew it was only because they knew that they were here because of me.

When I did finally see them they were already having a conversation Naruto and Sakura, but I was spotted and football tackled within two seconds by Leah while Caroline scanned me with her eyes and Aurora ignored all three of us.

"So...where's Sasuke and where can I find this Yuki guy?"

There was silence on the journey home when it came to me while the girls talked about home. It wasn't actually complete silence until the door of the Uchiha mansion was open. Everything was still as it had been. A giant box of things sitting by the door and I could just feel their eyes on my back as I stared down at it.

"What exactly do you want us to do Kiyo-kun?" Leah muttered, placing an arm around my shoulder and giving it a squeeze to wake me up.


Aurora's POV

"Protect him." Sasuke muttered, leaning back in his seat and I nodded in agreement.

"So you're gonna try again?" I mumbled, sipping my drink and watching as he stared down at the table.

"If he wants to."

"But I thought that this was a part of your plan." I pointed and watched as he stared down into his water before looking back up at me.

"But he's the one carrying the kid. He's the one that felt the most pain and I guess I never really planned on some retard killing the baby and-" He stopped in mid-sentence and put his head in his hands, letting out a wary sigh. "He'll tell me when he's ready."

I gave him a pat on the shoulder and watched as he shook his water before placing it aside.

"Maybe you need something a bit stronger." I passed him my drink and let him down it before paying for our drinks and ushering him out of the bar.

'This family is going to need a really big bandange.'

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