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Hey guys it's me, Maddy. This is my first story so I don't know how good it will be. I want to make sure everyone knows that this is Fanfiction, so I do not own some of these characters and organizations. This is, however an original story by me, though it was inspired by some different things. Well, that's all for now. I hope you enjoy!
- Madelyn

I can remember running. I just ran and ran and ran, away from the blaring sirens and blinding lights coming from the building.
The tree branches ripped at my bright orange jeans and pink shirt. They always told me that my choice of outfits wasn't good spy gear, but I insisted on this costume.
I could hear the thieves behind me yelling threats. They were probably armed. I gripped the stone harder and kept running. Suddenly, my foot stumbled on a root and I fell. No tried to get up, but I was now face to face with one of the thieves. She couldn't be much older than me, but I didn't get enough time to look at her before she hit me in the face with the butt of her gun. The rock fell out of my hands and into the mess of trees. The female thief and her friends forgot about me and ran into the woods after the stone.
After they were far enough away, I whistled. A monkey popped out of the leaves, holding the stone in his little hands.
"Thanks, Boots," I said, pulling off my backpack. After tossing the rock inside, I pushed a button on the backpack.
"Hola," the robotic voice of the backpack said, "What is it that you need today"
"Backpack, I need you to call S.H.I.E.L.D.," I replied.
"Calling ..."
"Hello?" A male voice asked.
"This is agent 394, we have the reactor."
"We are sending pickup now, please text your coordinates."
A keypad popped up on Backpack's touchscreen. I typed in the coordinates. Almost exactly after pressing send, I heard the sound of helicopter propellers above me. After hefting my backpack onto my back, I signaled for Boots to climb onto my shoulder. Then I grabbed onto the ladder and hung right as it soared into the sky. When we got to the helicopter, a man was waiting with a box. I slipped the stone into it and the lid closed tight. Though it looked like just a rock, apparently it was something really important. Important enough to risk my butt for, anyway. After setting the box down, the man shook my hand.
"Welcome back, Dora."


Hello guys! I know this chapter needs a lot of work, but I thought it would be a fun thing to do. Please no hate, but if you have any suggestions they would be welcomed.
- Madelyn

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