S.H.I.E.L.D. Calls

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I woke up to sunlight streaming through the pale purple curtains. I pulled off the covers and stumbled over to my bathroom. Pushing my think, dark brown hair out of my face I looked into the mirror. That's when I noticed my earrings. They were glowing bright blue. I groaned. That meant S.H.I.E.L.D needed me.
"There better be a good reason for calling me this early," I grumbled, pulling off my baby blue nightgown. I fished some orange and shorts and a pink tank top out of my closet and put them on. Slipping on some yellow socks and white tennis shoes, I looked into the mirror. My friend Kate would call me a fashion disaster. I would call myself fabulous.
I put on my bracelet and walked down the stairs. Papi was down there, eating breakfast.
"Do you mind if I go to Emma's house for a little bit?" I asked him, tossing a banana to Boots.
"I think that would be okay," he responded. "Don't think we have anything going on today."
"Thanks so much Papi!" I said, running out the door with a breakfast bar in hand. I hopped on my bicycle and drove off. Once I was far enough away from anyone. I hid my bike in the trees and hefted my backpack off of my back.
"Backpack?" I whispered.
"Hola, Dora," Backpack responded in her robotic voice.
"Backpack, I need my crayon."
"Searching for: crayon."
A compartment in Backpack opened up and in it was a red crayon I took it out and found a flat spot of ground. Using my crayon, I drew a circle in the ground. Suddenly, a portal opened up where I drew the circle. Gripping Boots and Backpack, I jumped in , the circle of land closing up above me.


Hello my fellow friends! I can't believe people are actually reading my story! Thank you guys so much. I appreciate you taking the time to read my story. Again, no hate please, but I would love it if you could help me with what I'm doing good and bad. If there is anything specific you'd like to happen in the story please comment any suggestions. Thank you guys again!
- Madelyn

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