Isa "The Iguana"

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I woke up with a start. The Map was saying something loudly. I rubbed my tired brown eyes and slowly sat up. I slowly slid off of the cot and walked over to The Map.
"¿Lo que está mal? What is it?" I asked it
"Estamos casi al Iris Iguana," it said in its metallic yet cheery voice.
We were nearly there. I saw that the plane was beginning to descend. I change into something slightly more professional. By more professional, I mean a shirt in a less bright shade of pink and purple jeans instead of orange shorts. Very professional.
The plane landed and I parked it in a spot where no one would run into it. It would be awfully suspicious if someone randomly ran into air. I hoisted Backpack onto my shoulders and whistled for Boots. Grabbing The Map, who was still going on about directions and stuff, I walked out of the jet into what seemed to be some sort of desert. There seemed to be almost nothing except sand and some large rocks, where I had parked the jet.
I looked down at The Map.
"Buscar una roca azul," it said.
"¿Una roca azul? A blue rock? But," I said, looking around, "half of the rocks here are blue!"
I looked at The Map again for more help, but he would not tell me any more. I scowled and looked around, tapping each blue rock experimentally.
Finally, I sat down on the sandy ground, extremely frustrated and tired. I stood back up, after feeling that I had sat on a small stone. I tried kicking it away, but to no avail. I tried picking it up but the little blue thing wouldn't budge. I looked at it and a bright beam of light shot out of it, right into my eye. Before I could even react, the light stopped. I tried to stand up but the ground started shaking. The little blue rock wasn't little at all, but huge. It slowly began to rise out of the ground. Soon, it was taller than me. I stared at it, confused. Then, one side of the rock slid open, revealing inside...a girl?
"Wha...?" I was at a loss for words.
The girl turned around suddenly, stared at me with her bright green eyes which matched her dress.
"Who are you!?" she asked in a high voice.
"Who are you?" I replied.
"That's classified," she responded.
"Well, I see that you are most likely an agent of S.H.E.I.L.D.," I said, "judging from your earrings, which are the same as mine, and your bracelet, which bears the S.H.E.I.L.D logo. Really you shouldn't be too surprised that I gathered that. You are a top secret organization, I don't understand why your logo is all over everything. By your posture and overall aura of yourself, I would think that you haven't been on many missions, as you are a bit fidgety and seem nervous. From the scent surrounding you, and the freshly picked hibiscus in your hair, you appear to work in the Herbology, sorry, no, that's Harry Potter, you appear to work in the botany sector. I mostly just know this, however because of my map which states that you are a S.H.E.I.L.D botanist named 'The Iguana'"
She stared at me in shock.
"Woah, dude, that was like some Sherlock level stuff there!" She smiled.
She then held up one of her small, pale hands. At first I thought she was going to slap me, but when she didn't move I realized she wanted a high-five. I reluctantly slapped her hand with my own.
"I'm 'The Explorer', but I suppose since we are working together you can call me Dora," I told her.
"No!" She said over dramatically, "you already broke a rule, you're not supposed to tell anyone else your secret identity haven't you read any comics?" She then looked around, leaned closer to me and whispered, "Well, since you told me yours, my name's Isa."
She giggled like she had told me a terrible secret and skipped back into the stone.
"Come on then," she said enthusiastically, "Allons-y!"
I didn't know what she was talking about, but I stepped in with her. She put her hand on the stone wall. The door closed and we sank under the ground.

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• that was my next attempt at a chapter. Sorry it tools so long, I kept putting it off. The drawing at the chapter beginning was done by me. You might have to click on it if you are on a mobile device in order to see it all. It's not very high quality, but hey, neither is my writing. Thank you guys so much for reading, and I'll hopefully be back soon. ❤️

UPDATE: The doodle in the beginning of the chapter is not showing up on some devices, but trust me, if one of those devices is yours, you aren't missing out much.

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