❄Winter Special (Girls)❄

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Things got crazy after the Holidays. QwQ

I still hope you enjoy this though!



Jiro sat in front of the fireplace in your living room, tuning her guitar. You came back carrying two mugs filled with cocoa. You sat down next to her and set her mug down in front of her. She looked at you and smiled. "Thank you, Love" she said.

"No problem! How's the guitar tuning?" You pondered. Jiro gave you a thumbs up.

"Great!" She chirped. She continued to fiddle with the strings. You watched her intently as her fingers danced across the neck of the guitar. She glanced at you and noticed how you were admiring her. She blushed and snapped her focus back to the guitar. Suddenly, she got an idea. 

"Wanna learn how to play?" She asked you. 

"W-what?" You asked, baffled. 

"Come closer." She encouraged. You slid closer to her side and she placed the guitar in your lap, moving to sit behind you. "Just put your left hand here," She moved your hand to the correct position on the body of the instrument. "and your right hand here." She placed your right hand on the neck of the guitar and positioned your fingers on the strings. "We're gonna try the 'F chord' okay?"

"The cursed chord..." you hissed. Jiro laughed. She let go of your hands and you began to strum. the first few tries were sour and your fingers slipped more often than not, but Jiro still encouraged you to keep trying. Eventually, you got pretty decent. Jiro clapped. 

"That was amazing, Y/n!" She cheered. Her eyes filled with stars. You blushed and chuckled bashfully. 

"Well, I do have a rockin' teacher."  You said. Jiro pulled you into a hug and kissed your cheek. You gently moved the guitar and returned the hug. "Hey, Jiro?" You said.


"I think your cocoa has gotten cold by now."


"Are you sure about this Mina?" You asked. Mina set down her speaker and connected it to her phone, scrolling through her songs. 

"Yeah! I wanna dance with you!" She said. "Besides, it's cold outside. Dancing will get our blood pumping so we can get warm." You fiddled with hem of your sweater. 

"Okay..." You mumbled. Truth be told you just wanted to cuddle and watch a movie with your alien queen, but she had other plans.  Minas face lit up as she selected a song from her playlist. The tune was unfamiliar and rather slow. You found yourself swaying. Mina extended her hand to you.

"May I have this dance?" She said in a funny accent. You laughed and took her hand. 

"Why of course!" You exclaimed in the same goofy voice. She placed her hands on your shoulders and you placed yours on her waist. Together, you both glided across the room. Mina beamed at you. 

"Hey, your not as bad of a dancer as I first thought!" She commented. You rolled your eyes. 

"Gee, thanks." You said. She kissed your cheek and you couldn't help but smile. For the rest of the night you two just danced however you felt, to whatever song came up. The room was filled with laughter and music. 


You stood in the snow covered field with your hands inside your pockets. "Where could she be?" You asked yourself. Just then, you felt two glove covered hands cover your eyes. "Perfect timing." You smiled. Uraraka giggled and you turned. 

"Sorry I took so long." She apologized. You kissed her forehead. 

"Don't sweat it!" You said. She blushed and covered her face with her scarf.  You chuckled and looked behind you, getting a devilish idea. While Uraraka was working on calming herself down you scooped up a handful of snow. "Hey, Sweetie?" You said. She looked up at you.

"Yes?" She said quietly. You gently hurled the snow ball at her. 

"Catch!" You called. The snowball hit her and she froze. Your smile faltered. "Oh no, are you okay?..." You asked. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt-"

"So, you wanna have a snowball fight eh?" She asked gathering a rather large handful of snow. She looked up at you and smirked. "Game on." she said. You smirked back and began gathering your own collection of snowballs. Once you were both armed you stood on opposite sides of the field. 

"Ready?" You called.

"Set!" She called back. 

"GO!", and with that. You both showered each other in snow. After a while, you noticed your sweet space girl had ran out of snowballs. "It's over Anakin! I have the high ground!" You chuckled. 

"We shall see about that," Uraraka responded. You looked at her confused and lowered your raised snowball. "RELEASE!" She shouted. You had realized a little to late that she had been doing her signature hand pose. Looking up, You saw quite a few snowballs begin hurling back down towards earth. Towards you. You scrambled to get out of the way but ended getting buried in snow anyway.  Uraraka walked over to you and helped you up. She planted a quick peck on your frozen lips. 

"I win." she smiled. 


Heyo lovely readers!! 

Again, I apologize for this being so late. On top of everything that was going on with the holidays, I also had no clue what to do for some of the characters. 

I'm also running out of ideas for scenarios so I want to hear from you all! You can leave a request for a scenario down in the comments and I will try my best to make you proud. You can also request a character you would like to see in this book! (Your all probably getting tired of hearing me say this lol.) 

But yeah, I think I'm gonna take a break until I can figure out some more scenarios or until I get any requests. Anyways, Thank you all so much for reading!! 

Cya in the next chapter Y/n!!! (p.s your amazing.) o(*°▽°*)o

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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