❄ Winter Special (Boys) ❄

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Happy Holidays!!

Here's some wholesome winter scenarios :P



You were bundled up in a blanket on the couch, shivering. You had some cheesy movie playing on the TV but you were barely paying attention. Your heating system had busted a few weeks ago and you couldn't get anyone out to fix it. What a wonderful way to spend the Holidays, frozen. You heard a knock at your door and resentfully stood up to answer it. You opened the door to your boyfriends smiling face. His face instantly changed as soon as he stepped inside. "Wow! I think it's even colder in here than it is out there. And it's snowing outside!" He joked. You gave a half hearted laugh. 
"ya don't say..." You grumbled. Sero chuckled at your reaction and pulled you into a hug. You instantly snuggled into him. He was like a human heating pad! You looked up at him with puppy dog eyes and motioned to the couch. He beamed and began walking with you. You two stayed cuddling all night and watched the snowfall outside. You weren't cold anymore thanks to your sweet tape boy. 


It was a wonderful day outside, to you at least. You were walking through the snow covered park looking at all the glittering white specks floating through the air.  Your face was numb and chilly but you didn't care. You closed your eyes and just stood in the snow, taking in the cold winter air around you. You felt someone's presents and you opened your eyes. Mezo smiled through his mask and formed a mouth with one of his tentacles. "Fancy seeing you here." He said. You giggled.
"I didn't expect to see you either! Do you like the snow too?" you asked.
"I prefer warm weather, but I will admit that snow is beautiful." He said. You smiled and caught a glimpse of his attire. You noticed he wore snow pants and boots, however he was only wearing a poncho over his upper body (He has one of those muscle shirts on under it-). You gasped and abruptly wrapped your arms around his torso. He tensed at your sudden action. "Um.. Everything alright Y/n?..." He asked concerned. 
"You must be freezing Mezo! Why didn't you wear a jacket or something?" You scolded him. You felt your face start heating up with embarrassment as the realization of what you said caught up with you. Mezo began to laugh. You released him and looked at the ground.  Once his laughing subsided into quiet giggles he spoke again. 
"Your adorable, do you know that?" You looked up at him again and giggled a little yourself.  "I am a little cold I suppose," He muttered to himself. "Do you want to go to the café? I heard that they have Coco now." 
"I would love to!" You exclaimed. You intertwined your hand with one of his and began walking towards your destination. 


Your eyes shined brightly as you gazed upon the window display in front of you. The shadow, who nuzzled up to you, also beamed at the sight of so many colors. Your edgy bird huffed. "You two are like children" He said. You knew he was smiling to himself. 
"And?" You smirked turning to him. Dark Shadow snickered quietly. Tokoyami rolled his eyes, still smiling, and gently grabbed your hand. You were surprised by this but you of course welcomed it. "Where to?" You asked.
"I saw someone making candy canes over that way!" Dark Shadow chimed, pointing over at a near by window. You turned to Tokoyami and quirked and eyebrow. He smiled and began to walk over towards the shop with you. You and Dark Shadow both squealed happily. Tokoyami even felt himself growing more excited. You three stood in front of the window and watched in awe as the person behind the frosted glass twirled and twisted the warm candy. The spiral of red and white looked so neat and clean. You found yourself quietly clapping after the process was finished. Tokoyami laughed quietly. You turned to him.
"You seem more peppy than usual today" You stated. He shrugged and brushed it off as nothing. But his shadow had other plans. 
"It's because we're with you! You make us reeeaallyyy happy-" 
"Ahem." Tokoyami cleared his throat. His feathers were very puffed out and ruffled. The shadow chuckled nervously and returned to your side. You felt you cheeks heat up despite the cold air outside. You both stood still for a minuet, only acutely aware that you were being watched by the concerned candy cane maker. You gently pulled Tokoyamis arm so you three were out of their line of sight. 
"You...make me really happy too..." You said quietly after a while. Tokoyami turned to look at you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and nuzzled your cheek gently. 
"W-we should start returning home.." He said under his breath. You three started walking down the path that lead back to Tokoyamis house. Dark shadow looked at the ground nervously and Tokoyami suddenly seemed very interested in the snow covered trees. He kept his arm around your shoulders the whole way back. 


You stood up and stretched after being crouched down for so long. You had finished lacing up your skates and were ready to begin skating. You remembered when your parents would take you skating every winter before the Holidays. You decided to share this tradition with your boyfriend this year. He timidly stood on the ice and looked out over the frozen water. You carefully grabbed his hand. "Ready?" You asked. He gave a nervous nod and a small smile. You beamed back and slowly started to walk out onto the ice. He stumbled a little but other wise kept his balance pretty well. You quietly cheered for him and he blushed. You made sure that he was okay before letting go of his hand. He gave you a look of panic. "Its okay, You won't fall." You promised him. You sounded a little like a parent trying to teach their child how to ride a bike. He looked down at the ice and slowly started to glide across it. You clapped for him. He looked up at you and motioned for you to follow. You happily followed him. You both stumbled sometimes and you two weren't exactly the most graceful skaters but you both had the time of your lives. Eventually the sun began to set. The two of you hadn't realized how late it had gotten. You both skated back to the edge of the rink and carefully walked towards your things. You returned your rented skates and thanked the person behind the counter. Koda looked off to the side sheepishly. 
"I-I had fun today..." He said. You smiled up at him. 
"I had fun too..." You whispered. He returned the smile and carefully held your hand.


"I think that's to much sugar..." Iida said reading over the recipe again. 
"You can never have to much sugar!" You exclaimed adding in some chocolate chips to the dough. You and Iida decided to bake cookies together for the holidays. Iida didn't bake very often and was scared of messing up your master piece, so he was just reading the recipe to you and keeping you company. 
"Of course you can! And to much sugar can cause cavities." Iida pointed out. 
"Well then you don't have to eat any." You said. Iida chuckled and stood up from his seat at the counter. He hugged you from behind and gently kissed the back of your head. You giggled and continued to mix everything together. "Okay, I think the doughs all done... do you want to help me roll it into balls?" You asked. Iida nodded gleefully and went to wash his hands first. You had made more dough than you though you did and ended up with four trays full of cookies. 
"Why don't we take some to the fire department?" Iida suggested. Truth be told, you wouldn't mind eating all the cookies yourself, but you agreed. It was a nice gesture and you were sure it would make people smile. You both loaded up some cookies into tins and got bundled up to go out in the cold. The cookies were a success!


Heyo! Here's a little winter themed update. I clearly had no clue what to do for this chapter. QwQ

I'm working on the Girls chapter so it'll be out soon! I decided to break it up because this chapter is already kinda long. Anyway, Let me know if you see any mistakes! See you soon!! 

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