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Sero loves to cuddle with you!! Movie night? Your in his arms. Had to cancel your date because its raining? He is at your doorstep with blankets. Even when your both just walking around town he will still put his arm around you or give you hugs from behind. Your like a teddy bear to him.  And the feeling is mutual. Your not really a huge fan of physical interaction (sorry if you are), but you do make an exception for your tape boy. 
You: "Hey, Sero?"
 Him: "Yes?"
*insert grabby hands here*
Him: "*gasp* I thought you'd never ask!" 

Mezo also is a big cuddles fan. He loves wrapping all his arms around you at once. One time, you two were up late playing video games together and you started falling asleep. The next thing you knew, you were wrapped in a blanket of arms. He also really likes it when you play with his hair, surprisingly. He takes off his mask whenever you two are alone. Trust. Is. Key. In your relationship. 
Mezo: "(Y/n-"
You: "Just come here"
Him:   :D

He isn't a huge fan of cuddles. Of course, he doesn't try to push you away when you want to cuddle, but you would have to be the one to bring it up. Dark shadow is a different story. Dark Shadow loves to wrap around you and give you nuzzles. The shadow is constantly cuddling up to you and giving you lots of affection, which you return of course. Needless to say, Both the boy and his shadow love your hugs. It makes them feel so special whenever you just randomly hug them. 
You: "Fumi?"
Him:" Are you going to ask to cuddle again?"
You:"... maybe?"
*Happy shadow noises in the background*

 At first, he was a little iffy about it. He didn't want to rush things with you. The first time you two actually cuddled, it was more like you were hugging him and he was about to pass out. After a little while he started warming up to it though. Now he loves to cuddle with you, even if he is still a little shy about it. Normally, he will start fiddling with his fingers or looking away from you and getting a little nervous. You start to pick up on his body language and can tell he wants to ask you something. Being gentle and understanding with this sweet boy is the best course of action.  
Koda: "U-um, (Y/n)?..."
You: "Yes Koda?"
Him: "w-well... I.. um...."
You: "Ohhh, I think I get it"
*You just hug him and he happily returns the hug* 

Iida is 50/50 about cuddles. He doesn't mind cuddles and certainty won't say no to cuddling, but he also is a little awkward about it. He doesn't want to take things to fast.  Eventually he will get more comfortable with it. He definitely doesn't mind hugs. In fact, he usually is the one to give you hugs. No matter how longs its been since he has last seen you, even if its only been a few minuets, he does not hesitate to wrap you in a loving hug and tell you how much he loves you. He's not clingy or anything like that, though it may seem like it sometimes. This boy just really cares for you. 
Him: "(Y/n)! There you are! You had me worried sick"
You: "I was literally gone for two minuets-"  

Jiro loves to cuddle with you! even if she feels a little nervous. It's very easy to fluster her. Simple compliments or small I love you 's turn her into a tomato.  Its most common that she just kind of starts leaning on you a little until you wrap your arms around her. Of course that's not always the case. You get flustered rather easily as well. You two take turns singing softly to each other or cracking small jokes. You two are officially the cutest couple. She also likes to play with your hair. You think its adorable how fascinated she can become. 
You: "Hey, baby?"
Her: "Say no more, I already have a movie set up" 


Two words-

Cuddle. Queen.

No matter where you two are or what's happening, if your with her, she has her arms around you. She also latches onto you to tell others to back off. She is proud to say you are hers and she is yours, and no one can change that. Even when no one is looking she still is attached to you. As much as she loves cuddling you 24/7 she also understands when you need space. A simple "Not today" Is enough for her. She will still hold your hand though, and your okay with that. 
Person: "Um, (Y/n)? You appear to have a girl attached to you..."
Mina: *Literally clinging to you*
You: "No idea what your talking about"

Basically the same as Jiro. She loves to cuddle with you but gets flustered rather easily. She shyly crawls into your lap and just buries her face into your neck or shoulder to hide her blush. You think she is just the cutest thing ever and often tease her about it. Despite her bashful nature, whenever you've had a bad day she always is the first to envelope you in her arms and comfort you. She also likes to just randomly whisper compliments to you whenever you hug. It makes you feel so happy and you return the action. She really loves it when you hug her from behind and rest your chin on the top of her head. 
You: *Hugs the float child*
Her: "W-wha?"
You: "My bby"
Her: "Oh okay :3"  


Yo! I'm not dead :D

Sorry it's been a hot minuet since I've updated this- 
My motivation just kinda went... z o o m 

I'm most certainty going to update more though (That is, if people even like this fanfic ;-;). I'm also thinking about adding Tsu to this? Maybe?? Idk I just love her sm.

Sweet frog girl 🥺

Let me know what you think in the comments. And, I am also going to change the title of the book! Instead of it being a "Scenarios" book its just gonna be a Preference book, since not every chapter is going to be a scenario (most likely).

See y'all in the next chapter!! (〃^▽^〃)

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