❤How You Met (Girls)❤

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Jiro skimmed through the various records on the shelf. After a few minuets she finally found what she was looking for. Smiling to herself she approached the clerk counter. She placed the record down and quickly glanced around the counter top. "Hello, could I purchase this record and a guitar pick please?" She asked cheerfully. You glanced up from your book and nodded smiling. You ducked behind the counter for a second and came back up with a box filled with different picks. You scanned her record and quietly went back to your book until she had found a pick. She didn't mind your lack of speech, she was used to it due to befriending Koda. After looking through the box she let out a grunt of frustration. She placed a bright pink pick on the counter. You stared at the pick for a moment before looking at Jiro. 

"You don't seem like a 'Pink' kind of girl..." You said quietly. She jumped a bit, startled by your sudden speech. 

"Oh! Well I mean, Its not a bad color..."  She said rubbing her neck nervously. You giggled quietly before tossing the pink pick back into the box. She looked at you confused. Once again, You ducked under the counter and came back up with a something in your hand. You gently grabbed her hand and placed something in her palm. She looked down in awe. There, laying in her hand, was a black pick that had purple and red music notes all over it. You held out the record she had purchased. "Wait, don't I need to pay for this too?" She asked pointing to the pick. You made a sweeping motion with your hand. 

"Your fine, It's on the house" You winked at her. She blushed and smiled brightly, resisting the urge to jump up and hug you. She thanked you multiple times before reaching into her pocket and pulling out a pen. She gestured to your hand. You gave her a confused smile and held out your hand. She scribbled something down onto your palm. 

"Here's my number. Call me sometime! Your totally Punk Rock!" She praised. You blushed and giggled shyly. 

You sighed contently. It was a nice day outside. Nice, but very hot. You didn't mind the heat so much. In fact, you loved the sunlight. You were so caught up in your own mind space you didn't see where you were walking. You felt someone crash into you. "Hey! Watch were your going!" They huffed. 

"Me? watch were I'm going?!" You scoffed opening your eyes. Sitting in front of you was a pink alien girl. She looked up, scowling at you. You huffed and looked to the side extending your hand for her to grab. "Sorry..." You muttered. She warily took your hand. 

"It's...fine" She said. You helped her up and she brushed herself off. She looked down at you and studied your face. "Hey, your kinda hot. In more than one way~" She flirted. You blushed and stared at her wide eyed. 

"Um-... t-thank you..." You sputtered. She laughed and pat your head. 

"I'm just messing with ya!...Sort of. I'm Mina!" She chirped. You smiled at her. 

"Y/n... nice to meet you Mina" She made finger guns in your direction as if to say 'Right back at ya!'. You giggled and noticed that she had started staring down at the sidewalk next to where she had fell. You looked at her confused and followed her gaze. You gasp in horror. A half melted ice cream cone laid upside down on the sidewalk.  "Oh! I'm so sorry! Your poor ice cream cone!." 

"Nah, it's fine. Its only ice cream" She said. You could tell she was a bit upset. You gently grabbed her hand and began dragging her towards the ice cream shop. "What are you-"

"I'm taking you to get another ice cream cone!" You said determined. She stared at you. "What?" 

"Well on one hand, this is technically a date. On the other hand, free ice cream."


(This takes place in Middle School-ish) 

You laughed as you zoomed down the street on your new skateboard. Your face and knees where littered with cuts and scrapes from previous falls. "This is the best!" You cheered, throwing your fist in the air. You continued to zoom around at the speed of light. Eventually you found yourself zooming through the woods. Due to the ground being uneven it was difficult for you to keep your balance. You looked ahead of you and gasped. There was a girl who looked like she was few years younger than you, sitting under a tree. She also gasped and froze in fear. Just before you were about to crash into each other she sprang up and grabbed your arm. You shut your eyes tightly preparing for the crash. Your heard it, but you didn't feel it. Confused, you slowly opened your eyes. You were met with the girl from before she looked like she was struggling a bit to do something. You looked down and noticed you were floating a few feet above the ground. 

"A-are you okay?" She struggled. You nodded quickly. 

"You can put me down now, I don't want you to hurt yourself. " You said gesturing to her reddening face. She let out a sigh of relief as you fell to the ground with an 'Oof!'. You scrambled up and looked down at her. She looked back shyly. You smiled "Thanks kid! Your my hero!" You said putting your hands together the same way she had. She blushed and looked down, suddenly very interested in an ant colony passing by. 

"I-it's no big deal..." She muttered. You laughed.

"Of course it is! You saved both of us from taking a major tumble" You ruffled her hair. This small action seemed to fluster her a bit. You looked at your skateboard sadly. It was slightly damaged, nothing to major, but still pretty beat up. 

"Oh! Your skateboard! I'm sorry" She dipped her head again. 

"Hey, chill out kid. It's fine," You said smiling sadly. You lifted her chin up gently and gave her your best smile. "All that maters is that your safe. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I had hurt you" She looked at you and blushed again. Without a word she wrapped her arms around your torso. "Whoa! Okay, we got a hugger!" You chuckled nervously. You awkwardly wrapped your arms around her and pet her head. 

"My names Ochako" she said. Her words where slightly muffled by your shirt. 

"Y/n" You said happily. You two both stay like that for awhile. Not talking, not laughing. You just stayed in each other embrace for a while.  


I hope you enjoyed this. If I'm being honest I had no idea what to do for Ochako- but I still had a lot of fun writing these!! Let me know what other scenarios I should do!! 

Until Next time~!! ╰(*°▽°*)╯

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