Soured on the Corner of Bristol and 10th

4 0 0

She said I'm lemon

Just a second hand defect

A quadriplegic equal opportunity
earthquake in the bathroom of a 7/11 on highway 99 coming home from Stand up that got stood up by the loins of my pretense

She was a woman who lived in her sex work that pays by the buck to get the good shit

The rumpy pumpy
The fornication

Hanky panky barbie dream girl

I hoped for and accidental splurge on isle 3 a wet tornado O face

Tell it to the public In the worst way

Stained bruised bitten clean she felt you up decided to leave 

Now that's fucked up

A dingy loo wasn't bathed in swank

That's what you get for existing in the first place

Undermining the eviction of your strip club

She exclaimed,

Maybe that's my fault jacking off drunk bozos working 20 hour work weeks sucked dry from baby momma cash flow-- I get what I price for

Her crows feet smiled, maybe that's why you're so hard yet so broken

So pained inside arent you...

So She told me to withhold from my broken pocket ways

You see old things come to age when
A heart breaks

Fidelity isn't my grace

She kept me on my toes in all the wrong ways

Swindled and tricked into an innocence trip

She says I don't do no scamy scams
I want no conflict

You're just a poor no good lemon who thinks his grapes have nothing left to give,

she winks with her smile

Aren't you quite aged, like a nice fine red wine in your ways 

Now this desire is getting all pent up bent up

I'm rhiled like my highschool quarterback...

Oh shit.

History coming back to haunt me dick is limp

Blueballs balls overslept their welcome I guess

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