Independence a Turn of Ones Cheek

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Vs 1
The snarky flavor of Americans spoils my drink
If there's anything that is more stale than this boring party
I'd be home in bed binging TV
The joke is there.... it's reality *ba dum tisss*
A lie we like swallow painfully
Like a drabby band that hasn't changed beat
Originality likes to leave early in the morning
Before I wake up hungover she'll leave a note on my pillow
Fuck off heres 5 dollars for cigarettes xoxo
Shes always been a One Night Stand kind of gal
I keep her digits in case she calls me months later
For the wonderous depression stole my back bone

Vs 2
Independence screams I need mommy
But she is dead along with everything else in this goddamn country
My parents were broken and took their faults to the grave
Mommy snorted too much valium during her lunch breaks
And Daddy left for milk when I was freshly 14
He had lain with every milk and mail lady
Cuz delivery brought out the best kind of love
Pizzahut and takeout from Italian cuisine
He tried to cover up the undone matrimony
With bribes and gaslighting and mental bruising
But we soon found out his cheating heart broke easily
For the post is closed indefinitly on Sundays
Daddy got into his car and never came home
Mommy OD'd the next morning while she was picking up groceries
The milk always spoils...
But there's no use cryin over that now

Speak of independence like you do it well and practice it religiously
While the homeless are shooting up and dying in the streets
And the rich will always complain about the wellfare
As if they don't already have enough money
And its this sort of mypoic Igorrance that makes me vomit

Vs 3
Take one for the team that's wellfare for you
They marginalize your depression into files and Bills and documents
My explosive bouts of rage splurge from my damn financial issues and taxes
How do I feed myself in the morning the coffee is stale
Crystalized fossils of coffee rings are my source of unfiltered hope
Habitual isnt it,
Teach me your ways how to survive in a colorblind country
How can I do that when I was raised by ignorance and mediocrity
Who never told a soul about the evil
These people never gave a damn and battled their demons alone and turned cold

Just like this fucking country!

Speak of independence like you do it well and practice it religiously
While the homeless are shooting up and dying in the streets
You tell yourself you're practicing good but you've blatantly ignored the evil
What kind of superiority complex are you shoving up your asshole

Let's turn the other cheek
These problems are just conspiracy theories
We never needed anyone else
Says the white man killing his next generational kin
Says the white man calling bombs and shots
Says the white man who speaks of freedom while color lies dead in a jail cell
Says the white man who speaks of God's love and imprisons others' beliefs
You're playin Russian roulette with hypocrisy
We idolize all the wrong upsidedown topsy tervy things
How funny,
My last breath is on time out of spite
Do I take it all in
Or do I turn the other cheek...

Says the white man
Says the white man
Says the white man

Bridge (muted)
Speak of Independence like you do it well and pracitce it religiously
Speak of freedom as you turn the other cheek....
Come on keep dening your fucked up economy
You know what?
Fuck the patriarchy.

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