This isn't you

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Dr Charles got up to let jay and hailey into her room, "she's ready" he said as they walked in. Jay and hailey smiled at her while jay took out a note pad to take notes. "Okay Bella, you can stop at anytime. If it a gets too much just let us know and we can finish up later okay?" Jay said while smiling. "Yeah..." she replied back weakly. "So firstly, can you tell us who the man was in the building?" Hailey said gently. Bella sighed and nodded, "yeah, he's called Chris, I don't know his last name though. He was the next man, we were waiting for the organisation to come pick us up..." she explained with a blank expression. Jay shot hailey a confused look, "what organisation Bella?" Jay said carefully. "The one that's in charge of delivering the kids to the right places. Kids over the age of 10 are given a number and we get it imprinted on us, that's how we know which men we go with..." she said letting a tear roll down her face. Jay and hailey looked shocked, they were dealing with something far worse than they had expected, "how many men?" Hailey soothed her. Bella grew wide eyes and looked lost, "hundreds, I don't know. I stopped counting after a while..." she replied back cluelessly.
"Why did the man start shooting?" Jay said smiling sadly, "uh, the kids wouldn't stop crying. So he shot at the ceiling to try and shut them up, but it made them worse..." she huffed. Hailey smiled with pity, "you're doing great, we only have a few more questions okay?" She asked double checking she was coping well enough. Bella nodded and looked at them again, "where would the men take you, what would they do?" Hailey asked knowing that it might cause her some trouble answering. Bella paused and collected herself, "the locations change all the time. If we go alone with a man then we get taken to a house, we stay there for a few days. He doesn't do anything other than keep us locked in a room, give us meals and keep us quiet. But if we go somewhere with a man as a group, we get taken to another building, a warehouse. We get locked in the basement, all we can hear is men shouting and shooting at each other. They take us out one by one and show us off, I don't know what happens if you get picked, I was always the one left behind...". She looked down with glassy eyes. The three adults shared looks of sympathy and sadness, "you're so brave Bella, we have one last question. How long has this been going on?" Jay said sadly. Bella flashed a small smile, "I don't know, a few months maybe?" She said which shocked them all.
"You're a soldier you know?" Jay said complimenting her strength. Bella laughed a little but she kept looking at the floor. Jay and hailey had planned on asking her more questions but it would've been too much for her to handle so they stopped. Bella grew slightly sad again and she looked a little embarrassed, "hey it's okay, this isn't you. You're not your past, everything will be over soon. I promise" hailey said noticing her mood change. Bella nodded and they adults left to talk in private, "tough past huh?" Dr Charles said a little fazed. Both of the detectives nodded and left to go back to the precinct and tell the unit what Bella had told them. Bella was sleeping in her room since she had been so fatigued.
When the team had finished up building a case they had enough evidence to bust some guys they had suspected were involved in this ring of gangs. As they worked through the evening, they busted 13 men and they were all placed into lock up, they had even managed to rescue 35 children in the process. Later on that day Bella was still at the hospital but since she had no injuries she couldn't stay for much longer, child protective services had came to visit her and explain that she would be going to a foster care group home, almost like a youth hostel but with stricter security. She didn't have any parents since she was already in a foster care system before she was kidnapped.
Jay and hailey visited Bella in med again after they got off shift, "hey Bella we have some good news, we caught some of the men involved and we rescued some kids as well!" Jay said excitedly. Bella smiled but looked away again, "you know it was all you, you saved those kids" jay added. Bellas head shot towards jays direction and looked shocked, "really?" She said smiling. Jay nodded and smiled back. The happy moment was interrupted when dr Charles appeared at the door with a woman, "hey Bella, this is Emily, the foster home owner" he said while leading her into the room. Jay and hailey shot each other angry looks, "foster home?" Jay said slightly annoyed. Dr Charles frowned and nodded before Emily answered him, "yeah, it's standard protocol" she said unbothered. "It's okay jay, I've been there before..." Bella added while looking disappointed. Jay shook his head and lead the adults outside, "look I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job but don't you think that putting her back into the system is a bit risky? I mean the men are still out there, they know everything about her!" Jay snapped sharply.
Hailey placed her hand on his shoulder to calm him down, "I'm sorry, I really am but there's nothing else we can do for her. She will be safe under our care, I assure you of that" Emily snapped back at jay. Jay nodded although he was annoyed, he walked back into bellas room with hailey as she was getting her shoes on. "Hey listen, you take my card and you call me if you need me. Any second of the day, I'll pick up and answer your calls, even if you just want to talk" jay said sweetly while handing Bella his card. Bella accepted his offer and to everyone's surprise she jumped up and gave him a big hug. Jay thought that since she had always been on bad terms with older men she wouldn't trust him but by the looks of it, she trusted him the most. He braced her into a hug before she pulled back, "i will" she promised him before she grabbed her bags and Emily took her away.
Dr Charles, hailey and jay were the only ones left in the room. Jay let out a big huff, "she trusts you a lot" dr Charles said positively towards jay. "Yeah, I just don't think that she's as safe as Emily says she is. Look what happened last time..." jay smiled but he started to worried straight away. Hailey agreed but they couldn't do anything else other than pray she would be okay. It was now really late so jay and hailey had decided to go home to their own places, neither of them could sleep; especially jay.

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