Never ending loop

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Jay shot hailey a stomach sinking look before turning his attention back to his brother, "can we see her at least?" He whispered. Will nodded and took them to the paediatric ward, she had her own room. Jay and hailey stopped by her door to take a deep breath, "oh my god..." hailey said in shock while slowly waking towards Bella. She was hooked up on to a ventilator, wires, machines. Jay had a lump in his throat so he couldn't say anything, instead he just took a seat next to her bed and watched her. "This is my fault..." jay said while furrowing his brows. Hailey shook her head in disagreement, "don't do this to yourself jay, it's not your fault. You couldn't have done anything even if you tried." She reassured him, he nodded and understood what she said but he couldn't help but feel guilty. They spent some time in her room before Will came back in, "hey look, if you guys wanna go home and rest, I'll text you the second she improves. She could be out for a while..." Will said not too hopeful of her condition. Jay looked hesitant but hailey answered for them both, "yeah thanks, we'll do that" she said while looking at jay not offering a debate. Both of them grabbed their jackets and went to leave, jay turned back to look at the young girl one last time before they both left.
For Bella she was living in this never ending loop, reliving every moment of the break in. She couldn't open her eyes, she couldn't move, she felt trapped. She felt like a ticking time bomb and every breath she manually took was like a second closer to death.
Jay went straight to bed as soon as he got back to his apartment, he felt like he was the reason she was fighting for her life, he knew there was nothing he could've done but he couldn't shake the feeling.
When he woke up he checked his phone straight away, he seen a missed call from Will, hailey, and Hank. He was really worried, he called Will back first hoping he wasn't too late but to his surprise he answered after 2 rings.
Jay: hey will? Is she okay?
Will: yeah jay she's doing well, we've taken her off the ventilator. She's breathing on her own
Jay: really?! That's great. I'll stop by med before work if that's okay
Will: yeah that's fine, see you soon
He hung up and rang hailey straight after.
Jay: hailey?
Hailey: I'm outside, you heard from Will?
Jay: yeah, I'll be out soon.
Hailey: okay jay
He had been riding along with hailey for a few days now since he wasn't really in a fit enough state to drive himself. He remembered that Hank had called him too so after he got changed he rang Hank back.
Jay: hey sarge?
Hank: hey jay, are you sure you can work given what's happened?
Jay: I'm fine sarge, really. I just wanna find these guys and give Bella some justice
Hank: whatever you say, heard anything from med yet?
Jay: yeah, she's breathing on her own now I'm gonna stop by med before work.
Hank: sure thing, see you two soon.
He grabbed his jacket and put on his shoes than ran out to haileys car, "med?" Hailey said already knowing the answer. Jay nodded and she sped off. They arrived at med 5 minutes later and they walked into the paediatric ward to meet Will.
"Hey guys, her stats have just gone up and like I said before she's breathing on her own. Just don't get your hopes up too high, she's still in a rough place" Will said hopeful but careful. The partners nodded and entered her room, it was a nicer sight than last time. She wasn't hooked up to as many machines and she didn't have a long tube down her throat, she just looked like she was peacefully sleeping. "She'll make it, she's strong jay" hailey said with hope. Jay smiled and nodded, he could hear her little breaths unlike last time which made him happy. They sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before haileys phone pinged, "it's Voight, they need us at the district" she said sounding slightly sad about it. Jay nodded knowing they weren't being asked.
Bella could sense two people in her room, she still couldn't open her eyes or move but she had more feeling than before. She felt a light bombard her eyes and she squinted them shut more to block it out, she somehow managed to flutter them open. As her eyes re adjusted to the light she saw a male and a female figure standing by her bed turning to leave, she feared being alone so she used every little bit of energy she had from her fatigued body to reach up her hand and grab the mans arm. She didn't know who it was still but she could make out that he was facing away from her.
As jay and hailey turned to leave jay was interrupted by a hand weakly grabbing onto his arm. Startled, he turned around to see bellas hand latched onto his shirt and clinging on loosely. "Hailey go get will!" Jay said as he sat back down next to her and grabbed bellas hand. "Hey hey hey it's me, jay you're okay. You're safe, I promise. I'm never going to let anyone touch you again." He said not even sure if she could hear him. Two seconds later Will appeared in a hurry with hailey, "she's awake?" Will enquired shocked, jay nodded and smiled widely. Will immediately checked to make sure she was okay but everything looked clear so he relaxed, "Bella? Can you hear me okay?" Will said while moving her bed up to a sitting position. Bella didn't say a thing but she nodded, "everything looks good, she just needs time to come around off the meds" Will said before upping her morphine dosage. Jay and Bailey scoffed in relief and happiness as they stayed a little longer, hailey notified Hank and told him they would need another half hour or so and he approved.

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