Hang on for me

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As jay and hailey made there way onto the second floor, every door was open apart from bellas. They were about to open the door when they heard the man speak out, "this is for snitching" the man growled towards Bella. Jay kicked the door down to see the man pointing a gun at Bella, he was about to pull the trigger until jay shot him first. They watched the man fall to the ground, Bella was laying on the floor barely breathing. "Hey Bella? Stay awake for me okay? You gotta keep your eyes open" jay said while picking her up off of the floor and carrying her down stairs followed by hailey. Jay could see Bella starting to close her eyes, she was hardly attempting to gasp for air anymore, "stay awake Bella, Hang on for me" jay said while placing her down on the grass outside. She was fighting in her little body to keep her eyes open, with the little bit of energy she had left, she looked up towards jay and pulled his pinky finger to hers. She interlocked his finger into a pinky promise position as she vaguely nodded, before she could gasp for air her body went limp and all she could see was black.
Jay had his hand in hers as he was putting pressure on the bullet wound, as she closed her eyes her finger slipped from his and her arm dropped to the floor. "Bella? Can you hear me?" Jay said while panicking. She was unconscious and not breathing, as the ambo pulled up he didn't hesitate to pick her up and run over to it before they could get to them. Brett pulled out the gurney and jay placed her on it, she immediately intubated Bella and started bagging her. "She hasn't got a pulse" Mackey said to Brett while grabbing out the paddles. Brett nodded at jay with a stand back look as Mackey charged the paddles up, "clear" Mackey said before shocking Bella. Brett checked again for a pulse but shook her head, "charge to 200" she said to Mackey. Jay rubbed his hands through his hair in stress as he was watching this lifeless girl lose her life. Hailey placed her hand on his shoulder to calm him down. As Mackey charged the paddles she shouted again, "clear". Brett checked again for a pulse and sighed in relief. "We got a pulse, let's get her to med now. Jay you can ride with us" Brett said while lifting up the gurney back into the ambulance. Jay nodded and hopped in straight away, he smiled sadly at hailey before the doors shut.
As he was sat in the ambo, Mackey was treating her, "is she gonna make it?" He said while holding bellas hand. Mackey looked doubtful, "I don't know Jay, she's lost a lot of blood" she said not promising anything. The ambulance pulled up into the ambulance bay and jay hopped out first to let the paramedics do their job, as she was being wheeled into the ER will, jays brother, spotted them. "What've we got?" Will said recognising Bella from the other day. "Gun shot wound to the chest, resuscitated at the scene. No exit wound" Brett ordered back. She pulled jay back since he couldn't go in with her, "you gotta wait outside jay" she said while leading him into the waiting room. Jay didn't say anything but instead he took a seat next to hailey since the team arrived after them. "She's a fighter jay, I'm sure she'll pull through" hailey said unconvincingly. He nodded staying silent and Hank walked over, "hailey a word?" He said gesturing for her to follow him. When they were alone Hank spoke out, "what's going on with jay and the kid?" He said confused. Hailey sighed and explained, "when he found out that she was getting put back into the system, he wasn't happy about it. She trusted him the most and he just wanted to protect her. I guess he's taking it personal" she spat out. Hank nodded and let her go back to the team.
Jay had gone to wash off the blood on his arms and hands, even his face. He braced himself and left to join the team again. It had been around 2 hours and the team decided they should head out, apart from jay and hailey. All they knew was that she had been sent up to surgery and she was probably still in there. A few more minutes of silence had flew by then Will appeared, "hey guys, she out of surgery but she's not awake. The bullet nicked a major artery, they managed to fix it in surgery but she's lost a lot of blood. She's in a coma and we don't know if or when she'll wake up..."

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