9. Consort

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Okay... I was not expecting people to actually read this! Not sure whether to be amazed or ashamed. 2k views!! Wow. Let's go with amazed.

Special thanks to anyone who voted. You made my day. I'm not sure what you made my day... but you definitely made it!

Consort's POV
I watch my Vessel from the doorway as he waddles across the room from the bath. Water droplets shine in the dim light, dripping down its form. I focus closer on his belly, and I can't help but feel a strange sense of possessive pride. 6 eggs!! And still all healthy by the way they shine in my Qi-vision. There's under a month to go now, though perhaps they could use another top up. I frown slightly, seeing the way my vessel has re-routed his Qi circulation to minimise it falling into his womb and nurturing my children. Well, an orgasm or two will top up that Qi. I'll just have to make sure he's monitored more closely as his due date nears.

"Vessel" I call "Present yourself"

"Here?!" He whines "this is the main room..."

"I expect obedience, vessel" my tone is flat. Maybe I should have made him mute.

"Yes, Sir"

"Better" I wait until he is standing in front of me. I can scent his arousal, already thick in the air, almost double as I touch him. "Now, vessel, you changed your cultivation method, care to explain?"

I can see him swallow nervously. Ah, he didn't think I'd notice. Foolish human. He carries my Queen's eggs, of course I'd notice.

"Do you want me to make you feel good? Trying to get my attention this way... or were you perhaps trying to harm the clutch you carry?"

I can see him blanch and smirk knowing that the lesson I taught the other incubator was well learnt. Good. I do not wish to give a repeat.

"So what was it, vessel?"

We both know there is only one of the two options he can choose.

"Please make me feel good, Master"

I can't help but smirk slightly at the tremor in his voice, how easily the word master trips off his tongue. I can taste the fear and hate mixing with the arousal in the air and it's intoxicating. He's so cautious, so pliable. I'm glad he hasn't broken.

"See, that wasn't hard. Come sit." I gesture as I create a chair from the stone floor. My favourite stone vines wrap around his ankles and wrists as he sits. Time to do a little more work on my favourite project.

Flesh crafting takes decades to master, requiring in depth knowledge of the body and an incredibly fine usage of Qi. Few human cultivators ever perfect the art due to its uselessness in combat. Even outside of combat the fine threads of Qi are easily broken, or worse twisted, especially if the body is inimical to the crafters mana. And it is a rare human who wishes to experiment on a relations flesh, an even rarer one who travels to find a master.

Perhaps that is why they are so willing to send their own to us; their only requirement that their future use as cultivation aids; cauldrons, not be obstructed. I find it ironic that humans call my race monstrous! At least I make sure the human will find pleasure in his future.

I pity them.

This has been a harsh wake up call of what depravity any creature is willing to sink to. I include myself in that for I am certainly not blameless. But I will not curse my race to extinction, and my Queen cannot see another way.

I will tell our children of their vessel when they are old enough. Perhaps it will be a lesson of the hard choices one must make if they are to become a leader for our people. After all, the worthiest will be the future Queen. I pray new hatching caves will have been found by then.

But enough philosophying, the eggs require more Qi, and I made sure an orgasm would force an involuntary response to provide more Qi to his womb. I'm sure it will make him a treasured cultivation aid in the future as well. After what he is doing for my Queen and I, the least I can do is make sure he will at least find some pleasure in the act, and that he will be treasured as a high value possession.

I let my fingers play over his body, each curve one of my making. I smile as I avoid any sensitive points. "Perhaps it is time for the last few changes!" My fingers caress upwards to gently squeeze his nipples. "I think breasts to go with your womb; that will make you more attractive to your fellows, yess?" His face is blushing bright red in lust and embarrassment, his eyes darting around the room, watching as his friends sneak glances at him.

But first a bit of assistance from one of his peers. My Queen can get a little jealous if I get too distracted in a project. Though the way she reclaims me almost makes it worth it.

——— Andrews POV ———
I close my eyes in shame even as my core throbs. Clenching my thighs is an exercise in futility with my ankles bound apart and I can feel myself dripping slightly.

"You, assist me." Instead of the rasp of another lamia I hear footsteps, and I open my eyes to watch Nik shuffle his way across the room. His eyes meet mine and he tries to grin reassuringly. How can he always remain so upbeat when these monsters just keep sinking worse into their depravity?

"My vessel requires an orgasm."

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