6. A Heavy Burden

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I'm barely awake, still in my post-orgasm haze, overwhelmed by the release after days of being raised to the edge and then left wanting. My limbs are heavy, as the consort lowers me to a mattress on the floor and I slump.

The world around me still feels dim and fuzzy, reality far away, as my body is repositioned. I'm on my knees, hands cuffed together by wide snakeskin straps winding around my wrists and forearms. My face rests against the mat as my eyes flutter open. I feel straps wrap round my legs one at a time and pull them further apart. One final strap over the centre of my back holds it close to the mat, ensuring that my ass arches up, on display. I murmur disgruntled as it causes my hips to ache, still too out of it for any further panic.

A water skin touches my lips and I drink.

Small, sweet berries are fed to me, and I eat. It's the first food I've been given since I arrived.
I vaguely wonder what changed...

The lamia Queen and her consort rasp and talk softly around me.

Then hands grip my hips, and I feel a sharp aching pain as something soft and slightly slimy forces it's way in my new hole. I cry out involuntarily. Despite how wet I am, I still ache as it stretches me.

My hips are pinned in place. The lamia behind me rocks in place, pushing the tentacle-like appendage deeper.

I cry silently; weak and exhausted. The enforced lack of exercise wouldn't usually be a problem for a cultivator, but whatever the consort did literally reshaped my body; all my muscles have lost their strength. I wonder if it is deliberate... I wonder if I can even walk?

A slight change in angle and as the appendage thrusts and almost vibrates inside me I start to feel pleasure build up. I can feel my toes start to curl in anticipation.

"First one!" Someone grunts

I hiss against the intrusion, as a larger round object forces its way in. I try to tense, keeping it out.

"Relax vessel, I made your channel able to stretch much larger than that..."

"Fuck you!" I whisper vehemently "You're not the one getting whatever the hell these are stuck inside you!"

"I'll help you relax then... so you can incubate our beautiful eggs. It is your purpose!"

I feel one hand reach under to press a finger against my clit. I breathe out explosively, not expecting the pressure, or pleasure, it brings me. The first sphere drops inside me, gravity and the appendage preventing me pushing it straight back out. Damn! It is not my purpose to carry any freaking eggs!! My muscles tense around the intrusion and I gasp. Fuck, it feels good as I clench around it.

"Not... my... oh my god, please..."

"Your what, Vessel?" His hand starts moving faster as they circle my clit.

"Not... fuck, yes... my..."

Another egg starts forcing its way into my channel. This travels faster than the first, and the stretch starts to feel good as it rubs against my inner walls.

"See, you were made for this. Feel how easily your body can hold our eggs, the pleasure you feel as they enter you. This is your purpose; your life!"

"Not, nghhh..., not my, no... please..." The egg falls inside me, pushing the first even further forward. I moan louder, as they rock against my stomach as the not-a-dick continues to fuck me into the ground. The pace is intensifying, frantic.

Then a third egg is hard against my entrance, and I tense around the appendage before it travels down. Nuh uh, I don't have space, more can't possibly fit.

I startle as a hand tweaks my nipple, the jolt of pleasure-pain distracting me enough that the egg slips inside. "Fuck... you..." I gasp out between moans.

"Aww, you want to be filled more?! I think my Queen will oblige you"

A fourth, larger than the previous, follows rapidly.

"Oh my god, stop... I can't take... please..." my half-spoken denials and pleas spill out of me, even as I'm filled.

"Last two, my precious, vessel"

My stomach is distended as the eggs press against each other, jostling for space. My skin is taut across my stomach, and I'm certain if I could look down I would be able to see the bumps. There's no space; I'll burst.

"No more, I can't, no... please"

Eggs five and six slip in even faster. The finger against my clit is circling harder, travelling down the seam to collect some of my leaking juices, before returning.

I'm just gasping nonsense now; I think one of these eggs is the largest yet, and I'm so damn sensitive. The appendage's muscles undulate against me... I'm drowning in pleasure and shivers wrack my spine. The heat pooling in my stomach seems to intensify as a hand presses against my lower stomach, pushing the eggs back up against my spine. And, holy moly, I don't know what it's pushing against but freaking hell...

Then he lets them fall, with the last two joining the rest in my womb. The fullness seeming to keep the pressure against that same wonderful place. Somehow more hands manage to simultaneously twist a nipple and press on my clit.

I feel his icy Qi rush through my body, releasing the bindings that stopped my cultivation. My Qi, stagnant for so long, rushes to fill up the suddenly much wider channels. Then it seems to just fall into my womb and disperse, and I should be more worried, but the sensations overwhelm me, and...

"Cum for us"

...I explode... gods, the ecstasy.

My back curves. My toes curl. I see stars.

"Beautiful. Well done my lovely Queen"

Aftershocks are still ravaging my body as the appendage recedes. Warm fluid drips down my thighs. My distended stomach still quivers slightly against the floor as I twitch in place, still shaking from the release. I'm still mewling as each shake jostles the eggs inside me. The small movement and my new sensitivity keeping me on edge, extending my rapture.

"Damn, see you how he wanted to hold onto you, his channel is gaping so beautifully"

"Enough admiring your work, did his Qi release correctly? Our eggs will need the nourishment... and then you can come clean me up." The Queen says tiredly from behind me.

"You've worked hard, honey, if you just lie against those cushions, I'll double check, and then perhaps you can let me do a little work for a while, since our toy hasn't brought you enough pleasure."

"You do that, my love... I'll cum for you if you come to me"


I fall asleep as they continue to flirt behind me. To tired to be angry about how quickly they used and ignored me. If anything it reinforces the fact that I'm not a person to them.

I'm just a fucking incubator.

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