3. Red Skies at Dawn

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I wake to a sharp pain in my shoulder, and I don't focus in time to stop the groan that comes out. A second sharp sudden pain clears my thoughts. I catalogue what little I know of my surroundings. It's dark and I'm almost certain I'm still in the cave. I'm supported at an angle on rock ribs which twine around my limbs and chest like a solid stone vine. There's a slight breeze which only allows me to realise my current state of undress. Which is to say 'I'm fucking naked!' And pissed off. And scared shitless.

I'm going to focus on the pissed off.

The rasp of snakeskin on rock reminds me that I'm not alone, and as I wasn't exactly quiet they know I'm conscious again.

I try to listen in the darkness. Silence. Broken only by my ragged breathing and the small movements of the lamia behind me.

"What have you done to my companions?" I finally decide to ask.

"Nothing we haven't done to you. Not that it concerns you anymore. Best to be worrying about yourself first." His finger traces down my chest and I find my heart beating faster and faster. "You should be feeling the venom soon... it's going to make you feel very.. hot" his hand grasps my dick, giving it a gentle caress. "The Queen will be here soon, she will not want you to talk."

He slithers somewhere behind me, and I'm wishing I could turn my head, but the rock holds me in place in the centre of this room.

My mind races, trying to find something that will get me out of this situation. I bite my lips before pleas like 'Let me go' or 'Don't touch me' can cross them. They will do no good and I don't wish to beg when it will do nothing. I eventually settle on "My guild will demand recompense for this". I can only hope I don't sound as vulnerable as I feel.

He rasps out a snigger. "You are not that important to your guild. My Queen did not lie when she said that she would share the products of this with your guild and that it would bring them great benefits. Your guild knows not to inquire. You are unimportant; abandoned. Submit to your fate, embrace it, and you are likely to at least survive."

"Trader Lamon..."

"Trader Lamon is of no consequence..."

"You're going to kill him!?"

"Unlikely, we are not savages, we act only for our continued survival, but enough of thiss... you... the vessel must be prepared." With that last cryptic sentence a leather strap is yanked between my teeth, and my continued questions end as I gag and splutter round it. Saliva spills from the edges of my mouth, and somehow this is the point where it hits me how truly screwed I am now. My last way to fight back; my voice, has been taken from me, and there is nothing I can do but wait.

I have never been good at waiting. Though I would rather have to wait for days somewhere else than be here, be like this.

The lamia man is behind me. I don't know what he's doing but I can hear him opening and shutting chests, and I think setting up some sort of magical heat source. Maybe.

I'm starting to feel warmer anyway. Heat seems to burn its way down and settle at the base of my cock.

Gods, I want to feel something, anything. The stone holds me tight, and I can barely flex or even breathe deeper, and somehow that thought increases the heat pooling within me. My dick is hard now, and I'm still drooling round the gag.

I gasp when I feel his breath on my neck, the sound ragged and broken. What have you done to me? I want to ask. His tongue rasps over my shoulder, licking the skin. Somehow just that touch is getting me harder, especially when cooler air whispers it's way over the damp skin. "One more dose" he says. Then a sharp pain as his fangs bite down. "Let's make you completely wanton for today." I can't help the startled scream I make, hating this, even as I can't help but want him to touch me more.

I pant into the silence, burning up, wishing I could touch myself. Or better still, be back home with some nice girl, where we would both be willing.

Oiled hands slide up my legs to my ass. I try to listen to the gentle murmur of the lamia's muttering, hoping to glean any information, any clues that might let me escape, hoping for a distraction from this desperate need. However he is no longer speaking in Tradespeak, and the few words I understand make little sense. One finger trails towards my hole and I can't help the muffled denials I try to voice.

More oil trickles down between my cheeks. It's slightly warm, heating my skin. I hate it. I don't want this.

A finger inserted itself in my asshole, twirling and spreading the oil around. It's weird and uncomfortable and... oh fuck. I clench instinctively as his finger curls. I'm almost glad of the gag as it muffles the moan I just gave.

"Relax" the fucking asshole said "it's not so bad, is it?"

"Mmmff" I try to complain, the sound half-hearted as I try not to moan again.

His finger pumps and curls in and out of me. Hitting my prostrate each time. I began panting hard, chasing a climax, barely caring about the sounds I was making. There were two fingers now. The three. And it hurt, but not enough to stop the pleasure. Then all the fingers stopped just as I was on the cusp. No... please... don't stop. My mind was foggy with the pleasure and the denial. Please tell me I wasn't begging.

"Ssshh, you can't come yet, that's for the Queen, but don't worry I'll get your ass all filled again soon."

I almost moan at the thought. A moment later tears trickle down my face. Time has barely passed, and I'm already doing a stellar impression of a tuppenny whore. Even if I do get free, this moment will haunt me. Fuck, this whole experience will haunt me!

Worst of all it's barely been an hour...

I'm distracted as something long and thin is inserted up my ass. It's barely as wide as one finger, but reaches further inside me. Then my eyes widen as I feel the stone bonds holding me shift and ripple. Cold tendrils smoothly slide up from my thighs and across my ass. The lamia's hands spread my buttcheeks apart, and the stone shifts to hold them that way. My ass on display to anyone passing the doorway which must be somewhere behind me. Lamias rarely have doors as their tail gets in the way. Fuck. I wander how many people have heard me. Please don't let my guild mates have heard me.

Then the stone starts to enter me around the initial probe. Small thin tendrils to start, forcing their way in, but over time they thicken, pushing against my inner wall with a depressing inevitableness, even as the pressure pleasures me. The stone warms slowly against my skin. I'm now bound in place as tightly inside as I am outside. My skin is slick with sweat and I'm panting hard. I can't help trying to make small rocking motions against the rock.

"Wow, you're going to be an amazing vessel, look how easily you're accepting this." The stone seems to ripple inside me, pushing against my prostrate. Expanding. Filling me, and then opening me up further. My muffled moans now fall regularly. "You can really take anything can't you. Only the best for my Queen."

I'm startled when a second voice hisses. "Is that sssooo. I'm glad to hear it, my Consssort. The vessel is prepared then."

"My Queen, the Vessel is prepared and waiting for you."

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