Sisterly Comfort

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A/N: Quick note- Miley's full name is now Miliangela!


Karai stood at Splinter's grave with Miley at her side. The two sisters decided to pay a visit to the memorial to talk to Splinter. It really helped.

Karai's eyes were dull. She hadn't cried at all. Not when she heard Splinter died, not at the funeral and not now. She was bottling up her emotions. Karai wanted to be strong, it's what Splinter would have wanted.

Miley noticed her older sister's expressionless face. "Karai? You okay?" She asked, her face contorting into one of concern and worry.

Karai nodded. "I'm fine sis, really..." She lied, ignoring the tears welling in her eyes and the throbbing feeling in her chest. She was in so much pain.

But during her lifetime of living with Shredder, Karai had learned to hide her emotions. She knew it was pitiful to cry and show emotion.

She didn't want to be weak.

It's just as Shredder told her...

Showing emotion makes you weak, vulnerable and nothing but a pushover. Ninjas do not cry. They are strong. So don't let them show.

Karai took a deep breath, pushing back her emotion she'd been doing all along. Miley glanced at her sister once more. "Karai, talk to me, please..."

Karai looked down. "It's just...I wish I could've spent more time with father...why'd he have to die when I was just getting to know him...?"

Miley looked down as Karai bit her lip to keep from crying. "I miss him..." Mikey saw Karai trying to hold back her tears and hugged her tightly.

"You're not alone Karai, I miss dad too, more than anything...and I wish I'd gotten to spend more time with him..." Miley reassured her gently.

Karai then fell to her knees, clenching her fists. She couldn't hold back her tears anymore and started crying, making her shoulders shake. Miley knelt down next to her and hugged her, letting her tears fall as well.

"I...I shouldn't be crying like this..." Karai whispered as tears pooled in her hazel-brown eyes. "I should be strong..." Karai choked on a sob.

Miley frowned and rubbed her sister's back soothingly. "It's okay to cry sis, we all did..." He hugged her tightly as Karai hugged back, crying.

The two sat like that for a while, in silence. After what seemed like hours, the girls separated and knelt down in front of the grave to talk to their father.

"Hey father, it's me, Miwa...I really miss you and I wish I could have had more memories with you...I'm really struggling...I need you..."

Miley frowned a bit, taking her sister's hand and squeezing it to let her know she was there. "I miss you too papa, we all do...we love you so much and miss you everyday..."

The two then bowed, said a quick prayer and stood up. "Hey Miley, can you come with me to Dr. O' Neil's office? I think I need someone professional to talk too..."

Karai hadn't been to therapy yet, but felt she needed to talk to Kirby about the loss. She also had some questions she wanted to ask and didn't want to go by herself.

Miley grinned a little. "Of course, sis..." They entered the farmhouse. Kirby was at his desk doing some paperwork. "Mr. O' Neil?" Karai spoke up, a little hesitantly.

Kirby jumped a little at that sudden break of silence, but a small smile appeared on his face when he saw who was at the door. "Oh, hello Miliangela, hello Karai."

A sister's GriefWhere stories live. Discover now