April's Lament

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Kirby O' Neil sat in the den of the farmhouse, catching up on some light reading. His concentration was broken by a soft sob coming from the  April's room. Then, another.

Kirby frowned in worry as he immediately put the book down, le lept from the couch and ran in the direction of his daughter's room.

"April?" He called as ran into her room. His heart clenched at the sight awaiting him. April was sitting in front of her bed, her face buried in her hands. Her knees were pulled tightly to her chest as she sobbed.

"April...?" Kirby spoke more softly, sitting beside her. He had assumed she was hurt at first. April raised her head from her arms, her puffy, red eyes meeting her father's deep, concerned blue ones.

"D-Dad...?" April choked out, immediately wiping her eyes. "W-What are you doing here?" She appeared to be attempting to stop her tears from flowing with little avail.

Kirby's frown deepened. Never before had he seen his daughter so distraught. "Sweetheart, what's wrong...?" He asked, looking into her puffy, red-rimmed eyes as she sighed.

"I...I just miss him so much..." April whispered as more tears trickled down her her freckled cheeks, dotting the floor beneath her like raindrops landing on solid concrete.

Kirby mentally slapped himself. He knew April was grieving Splinter's death. She had though of him as a second father, especially when her own father had been captured and imprisoned by the Kraang.

April had thought of Splinter as family. He had supported her, trained her and helped her in her time of need, when Kirby was taken. Now, Splinter was dead. At least her father was home and safe now...

"I know you do April, I know how close you were to him..." Kirby said, stroking her hair as April nodded. "I...I saw him die, dad...right in front of us..." She choked on another sob.

Kirby hugged her close. He prayed that she didn't have PTSD. After everything they've gone through, she didn't need that too. April let out a whimper despite her best efforts to hold it back, as well as the torrent of tears welling in her dulled eyes.

The phycologist looked down at her, his brows furrowing in worry. "It's okay to miss him April, it's natural... and it's okay for you to grieve..." April looked at him with tear-filled eyes.

She buried her face against her father's shoulder, crying in anguish, letting everything out. Kirby hugged her tightly, rubbing slow, soothing circles on her back as she cried.

He'd seen many patients over the years. Many of them had dealt with loss, grief, drug or alcohol addiction, depression and many more. Kirby knew that April was experiencing the depression stage of grief.

He'd never forget what Splinter had done for them. He'd saved April from the deadly venom when nothing else worked. And Kirby would forever be grateful for that. If it wasn't for Splinter, April wouldn't be here.

April softly sobbed against her father's suit, staining it with a river of tears. She'd never cried this hard before. It felt good, in a way. She could read Kirby's mind thanks to her powers. His mind was screaming worry and grief. But mostly worry.

Kirby didn't say a word. He just held her close and let her grieve. He had enough experience to know that when someone was in grief, it was best to just let them do so. He continued gently stroking her hair.

After what seemed like hours, her sobs died down and April leaned against her father, feeling a little better. She never cried at the funeral. She had been trying to be strong. But she'd been strong for too long.

Kirby looked down at her, wiping her remaining tears away. April smiled a tiny bit, hugging her father. "Thanks dad, I needed that..." She whispered.

Kirby smiled a little back, hugging her. "You're welcome, my sweet baby girl...but you don't have to thank me, I'm happy to help, it's what I do..."

He wondered if he should give her a  therapy session. Then, decided to wait a while. Instead, he went with her to the grave, sitting down as April talked to Splinter's grave, smiling sadly.

"I'll always be here for you, April..." Kirby said once she had finished. "Anything you need, I'll make it happen, just say the word..."

April smiled a little bigger. "I will..." Her grip on him tightened. "I love you, dad..." Kirby stroked her hair softly, smiling a little bit as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I love you too, April...and I'll always be here for you, my sweet baby girl, no matter what..."

A/N: Hey cheesecicles! I really hope you enjoy the sweet chapter! Aww, poor April...


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