|26| Madison

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The two of them headed outside once the voices had faded away

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The two of them headed outside once the voices had faded away. Mysterious girl lead the way.

"We need to get to hallway number 17," mysterious girl informed her.

"Hallway number 17?" Maddy asked confused.

Mysterious girl sighed heavily and looked at Maddy as though she was nuisance which made Maddy frown at her. "The hallway where Xander is kept. Honestly, are you always this dumb?"

Maddy gritted her teeth and counted from ten to one. Her smartness was one of the things Maddy had great pride on. By insulting her again and again mysterious girl was begging for a punch in the face. "I didn't have the luxury to learn hallway numbers," Maddy spat out. "Unlike you, I was trying to stay alive."

"Whatever," mysterious girl muttered and started walking faster.

Maddy had to run to keep up with her. Stupid werewolves with their long legs and speed.

By the time mysterious girl halted to a stop, Maddy was sweating from keeping up with her. They stopped in front of a room. A room that was definitely not Xander's. Maddy shot mysterious girl a smug look. "That's not Xander's room. We are lost because of you."

Maddy opened the diary to the page pf the map and started walking when mysterious girl's hand shot out and grabbed her. Maddy let out a small yelp as she had her back turned and was caught off guard. She turned and glared at mysterious lady. "What?"

"How are you planning to get Xander out?" mysterious girl demanded.

"The same way I got out."

"Without your help," Maddy added a second later. She couldn't help snapping at mysterious girl. Something about mysterious girl really got on Maddy's nerves. We all have that person who we hate for absolutely no reason. Like if they even breathe you get annoyed. Mysterious girl happened to be that person for Maddy. Mysterious girl wasn't exactly nice to Maddy either, so Maddy didn't feel bad.

"And how exactly did you escape," mysterious girl asked putting her hand on her hip.

"By making a copy of the key and using a plastic label."

"You realize," mysterious girl said slowly. "Your room and Xander's room don't have the same lock and key. How are you going to unlock his door?"

That shut Maddy up. She hadn't thought that far. To be fair, Maddy really hadn't thought that she would actually be able to escape. Usually in storybooks, the characters make a plan and things go horribly wrong and then the characters just wing it. Maddy had sort of expected the same thing to happen to her so she didn't really think that ahead.

Maddy swallowed up all her pride and asked, "Then what should we do?"

Mysterious girl smirked at her and replied, "We break in."

Kidnapped by the Wolves (Madison Joshi and the Wolves series- Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now