|21| Madison

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Madison stared at the blank wall

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Madison stared at the blank wall. It been a week since they had been locked up, and every day she was just getting more bored. She didn't even have Xander's horrible pick-up lines to keep her company.

Everyday breakfast, lunch and dinner was given to her by the tooth-necklace lady. She was given bathroom breaks after each meal where tooth-necklace lady accompanied her to the washroom. Other than that, she was left alone in the room. That was the routine that she was made to follow and that damn routine was driving her out of her mind.

She had tried to escape several times but all her efforts were futile. She had managed to knock out tooth-necklace lady twice but when she tried to reach Xander's room, she had been caught and dragged back to the room. Maddy had initially thought she would be beaten up for trying to escape but tooth-necklace lady only seemed to be more and more amused. It frustrated Maddy how nothing seemed to get under her skin. When a person becomes angry, he/she tends to make more mistakes. However, tooth-necklace lady never seemed to get angry at her, no matter what she did.

That day too, Maddy decided to try and escape one more time. She couldn't just sit there like a damsel in distress, waiting for someone to rescue her. She always hated those kinds of fictional characters and she refused to be so helpless.

Maddy stood beside the door just before the bathroom break, with her back to the wall so that she could hit tooth-necklace lady the moment she entered. Soon Maddy heard the tell-tale click of the lock followed by the turning of the door knob. The moment tooth-necklace lady stepped in, Maddy recalled all the techniques that Jeremy had taught her, and with speed that would have rivaled that of a werewolf she struck tooth-necklace lady on her stomach with her fist. With an oomph, tooth-necklace lady staggered backwards. Maddy kicked tooth-necklace lady on the head and she fell like a sack of potatoes. Maddy immediately sprinted outside. She had about five minutes before tooth-necklace lady woke up. A normal human would have taken much longer, but being a werewolf tooth-necklace lady healed much faster.

Maddy carefully made her way through the hallways. One wrong turn and she could be stuck in the maze of hallways. Maddy suddenly came to a stop. There was supposed to be a right turn at the place where she was standing, but instead it was a dead end. Maddy groaned knowing that she must have taken a wrong turn somewhere. Why did this building have to be like a freaking city with hundreds of twists and turns? Now she would have to spend extra time figuring out where Xander's room was located.

At that moment she could hear footsteps nearby. Fate must really hate her. Maddy frantically looked around. She couldn't run away as the hallway was a dead end. Maddy quickly went to the nearest door and tried opening the door. It was locked. Maddy tried another door, then another. By the time she finally found an unlocked door, the footsteps had almost reached her. She quickly entered the room and shut the door behind her. Leaning her head on the door she tried to catch her breath. Werewolves could smell her panic, she reminded herself. Maddy distracted herself by examining the room.

It was dimly lit so Maddy couldn't clearly make out everything. The room was plain with minimal furniture. There was a table at the center of the room and a huge bookshelf on the one side. Maddy slowly walked up to the table, careful not to trip over anything. The room must have been some sort of an office as on the table was a book and a pen stand. Maddy flipped the pages of the book. Some of the pages had some scribblings but most of the pages were empty. She couldn't make out what exactly was written as there wasn't much light in the room.

Thinking on her feet, Maddy slipped the book under her t-shirt. The writing on the book might be some useful information. Besides, she could use those empty pages to continue writing her story. That would get rid of her boredom. She grabbed some pens from the pen stand and stuffed it in the pocket of her worn out and extremely dirty jeans. While she groped for the pens, her hand folded around something that was cold to touch. Maddy realized that it was a scissor. She quickly stuffed that in too. It would be useful to stab tooth-necklace lady.

Next Maddy checked the drawers of the table. They opened without a creak and had loads of stationery items and some sort of a card. Maddy grabbed a handful and stuffed it into her pocket. They might come useful later, she decided. The pockets looked to stuffed so Maddy took out some of the things in her pocket and put it back in the drawer.

Once, she made sure that she didn't look like she was hiding a book under her t-shirt and lots of items in her pockets, she slowly opened the door. Maddy waited for two seconds to see if anyone was around and then she tip toed outside.

She quietly darted towards into the next hallway, trying to figure out which was the correct way to Xander's room. As her luck would have it, the moment she reached the correct hallway she saw tooth-necklace lady leaning on the wall, waiting for her.

"I figured you would come here," tooth-necklace lady said grinning as if this was a joke to her. "Now you can be a good girl and return back to your room or I can drag you there."

Maddy knew that there was no way she could escape now. Not with tooth-necklace lady pointedly looking at her as though she knew what Maddy was thinking. At that moment a loud bang came from one of the rooms causing Maddy to yelp.

Tooth-necklace lady sighed. "That's the third door your boyfriend is trying to break. I keep shifting him to different rooms but he keeps on trying uselessly."

So that's what Xander had been up to. Breaking doors. Maddy didn't know how to get out of this situation. She didn't want to fight tooth-necklace lady as that would reveal that she had a book with her but if she didn't try to fight it would be suspicious.

Maddy broke into a half-run acting as though she was trying to escape. In less than a second, tooth-necklace lady was in front of her and had grabbed her wrist and started pulling her towards her room. Even if Maddy had been sprinting, tooth-necklace lady would definitely have caught her. Maddy half-heartedly protested as tooth-necklace lady pulled her towards her room. The moment Maddy was in her room, tooth-necklace lady like always, shut the door on Maddy's face.

Make sure to vote, comment and share this story. -Aroha 


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Kidnapped by the Wolves (Madison Joshi and the Wolves series- Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now