|30| Madison

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"Just tell me where we are going," Maddy groaned

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"Just tell me where we are going," Maddy groaned.

They had been walking for the last two minutes. When Xander said that they would be sneaking out she had thought that they would just be stepping out of the meeting room and hanging out somewhere nearby, but Xander already had a destination in his mind. Maddy had asked him several times about where they were going but each and every time he answered with a grin and a single sentence- 'It's a surprise'. Maddy tried tricking him into telling her about the destination, but to no avail.

Finally giving up on knowing where they were going, Maddy concentrated more on the surroundings around her while making their way to the secret place. There was numerous tress which looked identical, so it was a miracle that Xander knew where he was going. Werewolves were very connected with nature which was why the headquarters of the Amalthea Pack was in the middle of some kind of forest. Humans also didn't usually venture this far into forests which was another advantage. However, it was slightly uncomfortable for Maddy as she wasn't a fan of any sort of insects that were abundant in the forests.

Her idea of concentrating on her surroundings wasn't one of her greatest ideas, for one moment Maddy was staring at the trees, and the next she was falling flat on the face. Maddy groaned and sat up. Being extremely clumsy, she had tripped over own legs. It was funny how she could come up with clever strategies but end up in stupid situations like this. Meanwhile, instead of being a gentleman and catching her while she was falling, Xander was holding his stomach and laughing.

Fuming, Maddy got up and then grabbed Xander's t-shirt. Xander's eyes widened and a slight blush appeared on his tanned cheeks. Maddy then realized how intimate their position was and how easy it would be to close the distance between their lips. Their noses were nearly touching and Xander's smell enveloped her from all directions. Xander's eyes turned dark and he growled low in his throat, making Maddy shudder. Before the situation got too out of hand, she quickly used her leg to swipe his right leg, on which he was keeping must of his weight. It was a simple karate move that she had learnt. A surprised Xander went toppling down and this time it was Maddy's turn to laugh.

"Now that you've had your share of laugh, can we continue?" Xander grumbled.

They continued walking when suddenly Xander froze.

"Don't freak out, but there is a huge spider on your hair."

Of course, this statement made freak the hell out and she froze so that the spider didn't move around much. Insects were spawns of the devil himself and one was sitting one her head. What do you expect?

"H-how big is it?" Maddy stuttered.

"About the size of my little finger."

Maddy's eyes bugged out and she clutched at Xander's hand. That huge of a spider!

"Xander take it off," Maddy said, her voice wavering.

Xander's body started shaking. At first Maddy thought he was convulsing but then she realized that he was laughing.

She spoke, her voice calm but steely.

"There isn't any spider is there?"


"I hate you," Maddy said flatly.

"Awww. I loved it when you were clutching my hand as if I was your prince charming," Xander teased.

"Shut up."

They walked around for hours and hours until they finally came into a clearing. Maddy's eyes widened when she saw what was in front of her. She blinked a few times to make sure that what she was seeing was real and then turned to Xander.

"You made me walk alllll the way only to bring us back here?" Maddy asked practically fuming.

In front of Maddy stood the huge building in which the meeting room was situated. The building was at the center of the pack's territory. Maddy liked to think of it as a club house as it was used for recreational activities by the pack members.

Now Maddy knew why all the trees looked identical. They had been walking around in circles! When Xander had said that the place where he was taking her to, was a secret, Maddy thought he would take her to some lake or something which was his hiding spot. She had imagined the entire scenario in her head. The place would be magical and the moment Maddy saw it, she would gasp. Then, Xander would tell her that she was the only one who knew about this place, just like how it happened in the books and movies. She had the entire script planned out but then Xander ends up doing something like this.

"Well, look at the bright side. You did some exercise and you got to spend a lot of time with me."

Maddy took a deep breath in and counted to ten. It would do her no good to punch Xander and start up a fight with a werewolf. Instead, she imagined herself judo flipping him in her head. After she had calmed down, she opened her eyes.

"Come on, I'll show you something," Xander said, taking he hand.

"Nope. I have lost all my trust in you."

Xander rolled his eyes. "Quit being so dramatic. It is inside the building."

Maddy grudgingly followed Xander. They went inside and instead of taking a right to the meeting room, they continued forward and took a staircase which led them underground. As they climbed down, Maddy had to carefully see where she placed her legs as there was no light. Xander of course, had no problem in seeing without light. Just as her eyes were getting used to the darkness, Xander switched the lights on and Maddy had to squint so that her eyes got used to the light. There was a single door inside, which was intricately carved. Maddy excitedly turned the handle of the door, and it gave a loud groan. Clearly, this room hadn't been used much. Xander strode forward and switched the lights.

Maddy stood there with jaw wide open as her eyes hungrily took in the numerous shelves filled with books. The library looked like it had come straight out of the Beauty and the Beast film. The entire place smelled like books. You know, the smell that you get when you stick your nose into new books. Maddy went to a shelf and brushed her index figure against the spine of a book and took the book out. 'The vox elemental- A myth or history?' read the title of the book. Maddy hurriedly sat down on one of the sofas nearby and opened the book.

"You know, I expected some sort of a thank you," Xander said as he plopped down on the sofa beside her.

"Thank you," Maddy said excitedly. "This place is so amazing. I can happily die in here."

"What about a thank you gift? A kiss maybe?"

Maddy stared at him for a minute, comprehending what he said and before she could chicken out, she quickly pecked him on the cheek. Blushing, she concentrated on the book in front of her, careful not to look at him.

Xander sat there for a few minutes. "Well, I wasn't expecting that, but I wasn't disappointed."

With that, he got up, leaving Maddy alone in the library.

Make sure to vote, comment and share this story. -Aroha 


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Kidnapped by the Wolves (Madison Joshi and the Wolves series- Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now