We'll make it out (Sad!Zoey x Sad!Male!Reader)

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Hellllo everyone! This story is for @Soul-of-Kings !! I really hope you enjoy!

(Y/n PoV)

"I'll go." Bill said strongly, taking a deep inhale of his cigarette. I felt my stomach drop as the words came out of his mouth.

"No! No Bill you can't. I'll go. Let me." I spattered. Bill couldn't go, not with Zoey the way she is. Bill is like a father to Zoey, I can't have him leaving after what happened with her parents. Such tragic deaths all to do with this fucking apocalypse .

"No! None of you deserve to go. Let me go, I'll be fine." Zoey blurted, firmly.

"Look, let me go. Please, It'll be easier for all of us." Francis offered. Louis was holding back tears, clearly in another world, shaking his head no.

"Y/n." Zoey said, looking at me. We were on our way to a safe house, but I guess I had zoned out.

"Sorry, what's up?" I asked, walking again.

"You zoned. We found a safe room, remember?" Zoey said, putting her arm around my shoulder. I nodded and we walked. Nobody had talked the entire time, we were all pretty upset over what had happened. Loosing bill was hard for us, and we didn't know how to take it. We quietly entered the safe room, sitting down. In different places.

"I'm going to bed. Sleep good guys." I said, getting up and going to a room.

"Night." They replied in unison, down the hall. With that, I shut the door and sat on the bed, tears filling my eyes. Bill reminded me of my dad a little, such a brave man. He was the oldest of us, and I looked up to him in so many ways. I felt a tear run down my cheek, followed by many more tears. I heard everyone in the living room get up and disperse into different rooms. I continued just sitting there, thinking of all the things I could've done to change the outcome. I should've just gone. It would've been easier that way.

"Y/n?" I heard a soft voice say from the doorway. I wiped my face and looked up, to see Zoey at the door.

"Yeah?" I asked, harsher then I intended it.

"Rough for you too, huh?" She said, walking up to me, sitting next to me. It was evident in her voice that she had been crying too. I nodded, putting my arm around her. She wrapped her arms around me and started bawling into my chest. I rubbed circles in her back, trying to comfort her. Within 5-10 minutes, both of us were calm, sitting in silence.

"Zoey.. We'll make it out of this. I promise." I told her, reassuringly. She sat up from leaning on my chest, and looked at me, nodding.

"Yeah. We'll make it out of here safe, and together." She added, smiling. Looking at her features, I was drawn to her lips. I just wanted to kiss her. A giggle from Zoey broke my train of thought, making me look her in the eyes. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around my neck. "You understand that, sir?" She asked, kissing me. I kissed back, putting my arms around her waist.

Let's just say I slept peacefully that night, knowing the girl I'd always had eyes on was now mine.


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