Another Issue (Francis x hurt!reader)

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This story is for @furelisejones  !! I hope you enjoy the chapter!

We entered a storage room, wire racks lined with boxes from top to bottom. My eyes scanned the room, checking for zombies. As we progressed through the room, we came across an open drain.

"I don't like sewers, they're so dirty!" Francis complained, making me giggle. Francis turned over his shoulder, sending a small smile my way.

"You're one to talk." Zoey said, lowering herself into the sewer. The rest of us laughed and followed closely behind her. While I was able to lower myself onto the set of metal bars, I wasn't tall enough to get down to the ground from there. Louis, Bill, and Zoey started through the sewer, not realizing I was still stuck.

"Need a hand?" Francis offered, holding his hand out to me. I put my hand in his, his grip tightening. I slowly slid off the bars, my weight shifting to Francis's hand. As I settled onto the floor, I thanked him and we quickly followed behind the group, hand in hand.

I had always had feelings for Francis, I was just too scared and shy to act upon them, so this was a big move for me. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach going crazy!

We walked through the sewers, looking for a way to get out. It was a very confusing place, lots of twists and turns and little tunnels, it was practically impossible to navigate!

As we circled around for the 3rd time, I started pointing out doors/openings we hadn't gone through yet, suggesting ideas.

"How about we go in the one with big stickers on it!" I thought out loud, the group nodding. We walked into the room, taking a look at our surroundings.

Me, being the nosy person I am, looked through a nearby vent, just to see a bright red light.

"Guys, help me get this vent cover off. I think the exit is through here." I called, attempting to pry the vent cover off. As I pulled, I felt a warm presence behind me. Just as I was about to turn around, I saw Francis's arms reaching out next to mine, helping me slide the vent cover off. With Francis's help, it slid off just like butter on a hot skillet. As I stepped back, I could feel my face glow red, sending me quickly turning around and walking away from Francis. I walked over to Zoey, receiving a playful nudge on the shoulder for what happened. I grinned at the teasing gesture.

Everyone walked to the vent, crouching slightly to comfortably fit through it.

"Guys, there's a witch to the left. Be careful." Louis whispered to the group, as quiet as he could. I could see Zoey nod in front of me.

As everyone left the vent to quickly walk to the ladder, the witch slowly got more and more angry. Her screaming became louder, and she began to stand up, as opposed to her earlier sitting position. Just as everyone had made it almost all the way up the ladder, I decided to made a bolt for the ladder. I heard the witch roar behind me, knowing I had officially ticked her off. I felt her hand pull me back, causing me to fall into the floor. My head pounded in pain as she started scratching through my stomach. I started screaming of pain, feeling the witch rip my skin to shreds, right in front of me.

"Fuck!" I screamed, hoping to catch someone's attention.

"Y/n!!" I heard Francis yell, sliding down the ladder as fast as he could. My eyelids grew heavy as I started drifting in and out of consciousness.

~Francis POV~

I shot at the witch repeatedly, until she fell over, dead. I quickly put away my gun, getting closer to y/n. As I went to pick her up, I saw she was unconscious. I could feel panic rush through me as I quickly picked her up, attempting to climb up the ladder with her over my shoulder. She was bleeding like crazy all over me, and I didn't know how to stop it.

I made my way up and out of the sewer drain, stumbling a little as I finally made my way onto my feet.

"Oh my God is she okay?" Zoey asked, jogging back to me, helping me steady my feet.

"I'm here guys!" Bill yelled, from an unknown place. I looked around to find him, spotting him at the entrance of Mercy Hospital. I ran as fast as I could to the doors, skidding around the corner and into an safe room. I looked around for a health pack, my eyes finally landing on a shelf full of them. I let out an audible sigh as I grabbed one, taking it to patch up y/n..

~ Y/n POV~

My eyes slowly fluttered open, looking around the room. I sat up, quickly laying back down as I felt a sharp pain in my head. I went to lift my hands to my head, but one of my hands was being weighed down. As I looked to my side to see what was causing this, I saw something jump out of the corner of my eye. I noticed Francis in a chair, holding my hand tightly.

He was what jumped.

"Y/n, you're awake!" Francis exclaimed, a smile painted on his face. I smiled back, nodding my head slowly.

"What happened?" I asked, not being able to remember anything after going into a tunnel.

"How are you feeling? Are you hot? Do you need anything?" Francis asked, jumbling over his words.

"I'm fine Francis, thank you." I laughed slightly, smiling. He nodded, sitting back down. "So.. You gonna tell me what happened?" I asked, my smile getting wider.

"Oh, yeah. Uh... a witch got to ya. I hate witches.." Francis trailed off. I laughed at his hate toward everything, careful not to move to much and hurt myself. As Francis was ranting about how much he hated witches.. then sewers,, and so on, I looked around me, only to see a pool of blood on the floor below me. I immediately looked on my body, noticing my blood soaked clothes. 

"Y/n, you okay?" Francis asked, taking my eyes off of the blood.

"Oh.. uh, yeah. Just uncomfortable. I don't like being dirty." I said, feeling the blood to see how fresh it was. Not very. 

"Let's get you to a shower, okay?" I nodded, Francis picking me up. He carried me down the hall, opening a door and setting me down on a bathroom floor. "So uh, I can... leave?" Francis asked, hand on the door handle. My face turned a shade of red realizing the circumstances. I couldn't do this on my own... and of course my crush is the one to be helping me.

"Well.. I don't think I can do this on my own." I said quietly, looking around the bathroom to break the awkward eye contact. I could see Francis' face turn a deep red, staring at me.

"And you want me to help?" He asked hesitantly, making eye contact with me. I nodded my head slowly, butterflies lighting up my stomach. I looked up only to see Francis looking up and down my body. "Okay.. well let's.. do this." He said, kneeling down. His hands came to the bottom of my shirt, pulling it up. My face was flaming red at this point.

"S-So.. where's everyone else?" I asked as he pulled the shirt over my head. 

"Went to go get supplies, this apartment didn't have a whole lot." Francis explained, putting his hand on the button of my jeans. "Is this okay?" He asked gently looking at me. I nodded, swallowing. Not that I minded... I was just embarrassed. 

"Why aren't we at Mercy anymore?" 

"We got a helicopter ride out of there.. but it crashed onto the roof of these apartments." He said, motioning around us. I nodded, his hands traveling lower down my legs. I accidentally raised my hips to the heated butterflies starting up in.. places. Francis looked me in the eyes, a realizing smirk on his face. "So you like this?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. My eyes widened, redirecting them. 

"I... uh well-" I started, getting cut off by Francis's lips on mine. I melted into the kiss leaning further forward. He slowly pulled away, his hand grabbing my face.

"Trust me baby. Once your healed, we can take care of another issue." He said seductively, winking.

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