Cold (Louis x Reader Fluff)

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Hello everyone! This was requested by AltheaTheresePerocho. I hope you enjoy it, thank you for the idea!!!

"God it's freezing out here!" I spouted, rubbing my arms. I was wearing a short sleeved shirt in the middle of winter. In the middle of a zombie fucking apocalypse.

"I know right!" Francis agreed, with much enthusiasm. We walked through the forest, shooting any zombies in sight. It was surprisingly calm, especially since it'd been some time since we left the safe room. It was mid winter, so cold I could see my own damn breath. Francis and I were shaking out of control, not having jackets. Our noses running and pink, our faces pale, really sick. I say really sick, we probably just have a little cold.

"I told the two of you to grab jackets at the last house we came across." Zoey lectured, slightly annoyed.

"Yeah yeah I know, but it wasn't this cold when we went to that house!" Francis argued back, as usual.

"He's not wrong." I said, giggling. I could hear Louis sigh and chuckle. Zoey just shook her head.

"Look the two of you, I'm sure we'll find somewhere soon, and be able to get you both a jacket." Louis said. Always so positive. Honestly, it made me feel better.

"For once, I hope you're right Louis." Francis said, smiling.  We all laughed, lightening the very gloomy mood.  After a few minutes, we arrived at a large bridge. It was made of concrete, stretching over the ocean.  The moment we stepped foot onto the concrete bridge, a horde sounded.

"Fuck me..." You said, pulling out your gun and pointing it in the direction of the horde. You heard Louis mumble something causing Francis and Bill to laugh, but you didn't hear what he said.

~Time sKiP~

Finally, that God damn horde was over! We managed to make it all the way across the damn bridge, just running from the horde.

"Jesus, that was close." Bill said, laughing lightly. I giggled along with him, still shaking from the cold.

"Safe room y'all!" Zoey shouted, running to the left. We all followed her to a large apartment building, and climbed up about 5 flights of stairs.

"Holy shit." You said in between breaths.

"That was a fucking workout." Francis said, laughing. You nodded, laughing as well.

"How did you even manage to see that?" Louis questioned, loosening his tie.

"Through the window." Zoey said proudly, smiling.

"Good eyesight." I said, giggling. "Hey Francis, let's go look for jackets." I said, motioning Francis to follow me.

"Good idea." He said, waking toward me. We walked out of the room and into the apartment building, going to every room. 3 rooms, no jackets. 10 rooms, no jackets. Every. Single. Room.

No Jackets.

By the time Francis and I came back to the safe room, it was pitch dark. Francis and I had been using our flashlights for a solid two or three hours now. I held my arm out, opening the door for Francis. He thanked me, and walked inside. I followed close behind him.

"Y'all are finally back!" Zoey exclaimed, walking to us. "Any luck?" She asked sweetly.

"No fucking jackets." Francis huffed.

"Anywhere." I added, breathing quite heavily.

"You alright there y/n?" Louis spoke up, concern filling his voice.

"Yeah, I'm alright, just not a fan of stairs." I said laughing. "I'm gonna go get some fresh air, I'll be back soon." I explained, walking out of the room again. I found the stairs to the 6th floor (being the top one) and exited onto the roof. Damn did it feel nice. While it was cold, it was cooling me down from all the walking, and the view was amazing. I sat near the edge of the building, careful not to fall, and just... Admired. The city looked so beautiful at night. The lights on here and there, the slight noise of zombies walking up and down the street. Calming, in a sense. Suddenly, I felt a blanket fall over me.

"Don't worry, it's just me." Louis spoke softly. He sat next to me, putting his arm around my waist. I could feel my cheeks grow red. We sat there for a minute or two, staring out at the city. His body was pressed against mine, warming me. He was always so sweet, my long lasting crush. "Are you any warmer?" He asked sweetly, turning to me.

"Y-Yeah!" I said, stuttering and giggling. I looked over to Louis, and our eyes met. He put his hand under my chin and kissed me. A kiss that I could never get over. His soft lips, the way they fit perfectly with mine. It felt like everything else was paused, just the world revolving around us. Until of course, we ran out of breath and parted. I laughed slightly and looked down.

"Flustered sweetheart?" He spoke daringly, kissing me again.

Ahhhh I hope you like it!!! <3
832 Words Total

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