Chapter 2 A Dragon In Need Turns Out To Be A Mate

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Natsu P.O.V

It's been a week since Acnologia left. In that time I had went training or walking around the forest or just talking to the girls. They couldn't stay long as they had to work in the underworld in my place until I returned or something. I understood as they had did so much for me when I was helpless and didn't remember anything. That just goes to prove how much love we all possess and how much I love those girls. I know they'll be able to handle it while I'm away as they have been doing great this whole time. I was now walking on a path to a town that I heard has a pretty good bar. Acnologia and me rarely drink as we mostly stay in the woods and camp there. We had to hunt our own food of course but at the end it was fine. I was entering the town as I made it and headed straight for the smell of booze. It's pretty hard for me to get drunk as my Fire Dragon Slayer Magic and Poison Dragon Slayer Magic just  either burns it or adds it to my strength which is pretty weird but hey I got no complaints. As I got closer to the bar a certain smell hit me from the inside. I smelled a dragon, a dragon that was very close and is in this bar. But I also caught on to another scent that smelled like cherry's and Raspberries mixed in with a smell of flowers. The scent was intoxicating and delicious I felt like whoever smelled like this I would pick them up and never let go. So I went inside the bar that wasn't really full but had a decent amount of customers and waitresses. I had followed the sweet smell of fruit and honey until I came across A women in a light tan cloak sitting at a table by herself. I stared at her as she was just looking down at the table. I then smelled deeper and I couldn't believe it, she was the Dragon I was smelling earlier and the sweet smelling girl who knew. I smiled and went to her table.

"Um excuse me miss I was wondering if I could sit here with you" I said

She turned slightly to look at me and I gave her my warm toothy smile making a light pink on her cheeks before she turned back around.

"Why would you want to sit here? There are plenty of tables somewhere else right" she said not looking at me.

"You are right but none of them are as mysterious as the person sitting at this table" I said with a smirk.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"I'll take that as a yes!" I said as I sat down into the chair infront of her.

Now that I get a good look at her she has blood red hair that looked beautiful as it covered some of her face. Brown eyes that shined in the light and pink soft lips that just makes me want to kiss her. We didn't say anything for a couple of minutes until I choose to break the silence will so much bluntness that you would of thought I was trying to get myself killed.

"So your a dragon correct?" I asked as I looked at her.

Her eyes widened in shock and pulled the hood over her head and was about to leave until I grabbed onto her hand.

"Look I'm not here to hurt you at all, I just want to talk and help you out if need be." I said calmly.

She looked at me then the exit but eventually sat back down.

"How do you know? And what do you want?" She said with some venom in her voice.

She honestly reminds me of Tiamat when I first found her.

"Like I said I just want to help you if you need and for your first question, I'm like you" I whispered the last part.

Her eyes widened in surprise but went to a serious face.

"What do you mean?" She said.

"You were a human before you became a dragon right?" I asked

She nodded her head and then she had a smile on her face.

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