The Lost Child

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Irene P.O.V

It's been a couple of years after my confession to Natsu. He forgave me even though he wasn't mad about anything. He taught me how to utilize the power of Dragons for myself and how to control my transformation so I could go out of Dragon form back to my human form. We found out that I'm a unique dragon that doesn't require elements to cast my magic. Tiamat then trained me to fight in human and Dragon since Natsu was bad at holding back and wasn't the greatest sparing partner against his mates as he would just play with us. When I had finally completed all of my training I had control over my magic and power. I could fight own equal terms with Tiamat who was the the strongest Dragon queen in the underworld. I had learned that my enchantments had grown stronger and I had gained alot of them to my new arsenal. But overtime I had grew closer to Natsu than I did with anyone else. He was always there for me, whether it be for motivation or just to hangout and cuddle at the end of the day. He presence always filled me with warmth and comfort. He was like a big huggable teddy bear that I didn't want to let go. But I will tell you this, you would think that the most dangerous dragon or creature known to man would be terrifying, ruthless, merciless,and strict. But nope Natsu never was any of those things. He was kind,caring, considerate and childish. I remember one time that me and the girls had to stop him from burning a town to Ashes just they were breathing fire in festival they were having. I usually would have to keep him in line by either smacking him upside the head or giving him a smile at which I learned from Serafall. Also Natsu has Two weakness. He has extreme motion sickness making him look like a green apple when we ride a wagon. Also I Don't have motion sickness thanks to my enchant that I made on myself. Basically it's a short enchantment that numbs down my senses. To that of a regular human for brief amount time. I tried doing it on Natsu but everytime I tried it would just get absorb into his body making him have to suffer on the ride. You know being with Natsu made me realize that true love does exist and it is heavenly. Natsu has always found some way to make me laugh,smile or even feel vulnerable. He's just the guy I love altogether. It was a today that I remembered that I'm still pregnant with a child.

I was walking back through the forest to the cave me and Natsu decided as our home base. It wasn't much but it was still home for us. Natsu was sitting on our couch playing with his magic.

"Natsu, we need to talk." I said in a serious tone.

He looked up from what he was doing and instantly straightened up and patted the spot next to him. I went and took the spot and as soon as I sat down I leaned my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me in closer.

"What is it Irene? Did something happen?" He asked.

"Natsu.... You do know that I'm still pregnant right?" I asked.

"Yes, I know. Why? Wait! Did something happen?!" He asked.

I giggled at him. Natsu has always been protective of his mates. If something is wrong with them or me he would try to fix it or help as much as he could. It's cute when you see your boyfriend worrying about you like that.

"No Natsu nothing's wrong. I just have a question." I said

He looked like he still had some worry in his eyes. But it just looks so adorable.

"Natsu...... How would you like to...... Be the father of my child?" I asked with a straight face looking at him straight in the eyes.

I don't know what happened but the next second I was laid down on the couch in a tight hug.

"Of course! I would love to! I don't care if it isn't my child. I'll still love it the same way." He said to me.

When he said that I started tearing up. Thr man I love with all of my heart and soul. With me raising a child that isn't his. How did I become so lucky! Natsu you surely are the best husband/boyfriend any girl who wish for.

So me and Natsu decided that we should settle down in a small village called Rosemary. It was a small village but it was very nice and friendly. The houses were nice and the kids were nice. 9 months after I released the seal on the baby. Me and Natsu have gotten familiar with the village people and kids. Natsu would always play with the kids and talk to the adults. He would even participate in hunting and cook outs. I would just talk to the other women of the village as the man did whatever. Natsu would always be there for me when I needed him. Whether it be food,drink,or cuddling. He always did it without any complaints and hesitation. When I finally gave birth the child had a fluff of Scarlet Red hair and my face. I can't stop laughing when I remember Natsu crying on the ground when the baby first called him Papa. He's such a crybaby, but I was still having trouble with naming her. Until the one of the kids that me and Natsu always welcomed into our home. Came up with a beautiful name for her. Erza, and it fit her so well. She even giggled when I called her it. It was so cute. Natsu,Erza, and me had been a happy family for 5-6 years. Erza was getting closer to Natsu as if he was her lovely prince in shining armor. Natsu told me he didn't smell any intoxicating scent from her like he did me making me feel better. I don't want m husband dating our daughter! I don't care if Yasaka and Konue did it, it just doesn't settle right with me. But if she is one of his then I guess that's just fate. Right now me and Natsu are on a date since it's been so long since we could have one. Erza is with her two best friends Simon and Kagura and their parents for the night since we will return late. Also I must say this The date was spectacular, we went out to eat in a town not to far by flying. Then walked into a forest were Natsu showed me the the most beautiful thing I ever seen. It was a cluster of fire flies and they were flying around beautifully. We then went star gazing for the final part of our date. But the most special part was when he marked me on my neck claiming me as his.

It was a blood red dragon symbol that made me feel even more attached to him then I ever was

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It was a blood red dragon symbol that made me feel even more attached to him then I ever was. Of course we haven't had sex yet, as we don't usually have time,but he teases me from time to time just making me want to pounce him. Tiamat and the girls told me that he is great in bed and that was when he was just a Demon King, but now that he's a dragon prince, let's just say they told me walking straight for a month was already out the window. As we were flying back to the town me and Natsu smelled smoke.

"Natsu do you smell that?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's speed up we need to make sure That Erza is okay." He said as he increased his speed.

When we arrived at the village all we saw were flames. The village was burning and so people were dead. When we landed I immediately ran towards Simon and Kagura's home. But what I saw was the Dead bodies on there parents. All of the kids were gone and that meant........

"Irene...." Natsu said as he pulled me into his chest as started balling my eyes out soaking his shirt.

"Why...... Why does this happen?!" I asked as rivers flowed down my cheeks.

"I don't know, but whoever did this and took Erza, are in for some hell. But for now let's get you away from here okay." He said.

I nodded against his chest no wanting to let go as if I did then he would slip away too. He grew his Red and Black Feather plated wings and took of towards the sky. But he did eat all the fire that was covering the town.

'Erza My baby Girl don't worry be strong because momma is coming for you'

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