Too Young to Fall in Love

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Nikki twerks in this lmfao 


Tommy smiles, delighted by his and Nikki's similar music tastes. He had been so worried that the bassist would dismiss him as some lowlife band nerd. But, here he was, singing along to the lyrics of Aerosmith's Ragdoll while Nikki performed his best nightclub dance moves.

Lee's voice was velvety, yet had a light air to it that made the bassist feel comfortable in letting loose.  The drummer's lips quirk up into a smirk as he drinks in the way Sixx's large, fat thighs gorge his tight leathers, pulling he stitches dangerously. 

The raven's incredibly wide hips are swinging , a small bit of skin showing along his stomach. Tommy drools, then chokes on his own saliva as Sixx bends over and starts fucking twerking.

"H-Holy fuck, Nikki!" Tommy blushes hard watching his friends fat ass bounce, cock and balls shifting in the confines of his too tight pants. Nikki had such a sexy, dirty body, plaguing Tommy's mind with sinful thoughts as the drummer's cock swells at the sight of the bassist's filthy dance moves.

Unable to resist his urges, Tommy rears a strong arm back and swings his hand down. A loud slap echoes through the room as he spanks Nikki. The raven jerks, back arching as he opens his mouth in shock, a blush spreading across his cheeks.

And that's when Tommy hears it.

Nikki throws his head back far, letting out the sluttiest, breathiest moan the drummer had ever heard,"OHHH~!"

The bassist blushes, embarrassed that the younger man had revealed his kink. Then again, he himself was the one who started twerking. Even if it was a joke, it was kind to do that in front of the gorgeous drummer, who now stared at him wide-eyed.


Realizing he had spoken or rather revealed he could, Nikki covers his mouth, wide green eyes locking with Tommy's wide brown ones.

"N-Nikki can...can you speak?"

Nikki raises his hands signing,'Guess the cat's outta the bag then...yes...I can talk. But you'll never hear it.'

His gaze is cold, steady, spearing the words through Tommy's heart and mind as if to burn them into his memory.

"B-But...why not?" Lee presses, earning a silent snarl from Nikki. The drummer puts his hands up in defense,"Okay, okay. You don't wanna talk about it." Fuck, for looking so damn pretty, Sixx sure could be scary.

"HEY, TWEEDLE DUMB AND TWEEDLE DUMBER! DINNER'S READY!" Mick yells down the hall, using his stern mother's voice. For being such a charming little thing, Mick was no doubt the stern parental figure of fetus Crue, and would continue to be for many years after those days.

Tommy and Nikki scramble to run out the door and practically throw themselves into their chairs at the rickety dining room table.

"TACOS!" Tommy howls in joy, quickly shoving two at once in his mouth. Mick chuckles,"Save some for the rest of us kid, we don't get to eat like his 'cept like...never. Ain't got the money."

"So where did these come from then?!"Vince asks, mouth full of chips and guacamole. Chip crumbs clung to his soft blonde hair and white shirt. Mars cups his lover's face and dabs his mouth with a random magazine.

Vince flinches, nose scrunching.

Mick giggles,"Nah, it's not one of your fuckin' shit mags." Vince sighs in relief.

'When we make it big, toilet paper is gonna be the first fucking thing on our shopping list,' Nikki signs adamantly before ripping into a taco himself.

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